Chapter 10~ Workouts and Razors

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Buffy's P.O.V.***

I woke up and looked at the clock. 8:00 am. I got up and took a shower. I fishtailed my hair, and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue hoodie. I walked into the kitchen and started gathering ingredients to make pancakes. I thought back to the time Sam tried to make us pancakes. I silently laughed.


I walked through the door to our house, and immediately smelled smoke. I ran into the kitchen to find Sam with a towel in her hand, hitting a pan that was on fire. She hit it again, and the towel caught on fire. She shreeked and threw the towel onto the ground. I rushed over, put out the towel, and douced the pan with a glass of water. The fire went out, and I looked at Sam. She was shaking, and I laughed at her. She looked at me with glossy eyes. I laughed even harder, and she smacked me. I started crying from laughing so much, and Sam said,"Hey! I was trying to cook a pancake! That's not funny!" I shook my head and laughed. She took a handful of flour and threw it at me. I squeeled and did the same to her. We ended up having a full blast flour fight, and the whole kitchen was white. END OF FLASHBACK!!!******************

I quickly grabbed a whisk and mixed together the ingredients. I reached over and turned on music from my phone. The song What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger came on.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller! Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone!" I started singing with Kelly Clarkson, when flipping the pancakes, and I heard clapping. I turned around to see Sam smiling. She had on black yoga pants and a hot pink T-back tanktop. She had her brown hair in a messy bun, and hot pink Nike tennis shoes on. She had a bag slung over her shoulder and I saw a change of clothes, her phone, wallet, and her boxing gloves in there. 

"That was great singing there Buff!" she said while laughing. I smiled and nodded. "Thanks. Now come eat your un-burned pancakes. I made sure I made them this time." She pouted. "Hey! In my defense, I was turned around looking for butter and just caught fire." I laughed and we took a seat at the dining table. 

We ate our pancakes, and Sam stood up. "Hey Buff. I'm going to find a gym so I can work out. Wanna come?" I shook my head. "No thanks! I think I'm going to go shopping for is some more clothes. You be careful though, don't want THEM to find us." She nodded. "Thanks for breakfast, by the way!" she said. She gave me some money for her clothes and the keys to the van, and with that, she was out the door.

Sams P.O.V.***

I asked Gale where the closest gym was, and she said it was down the road about a mile, and to the right. Its called Goldman's Gym. I called a cab, and told him where to go. He turned the radio on and WMYB came on. "Umm sir, do you mind changing the channel?" I asked. He shook his head,"Sure, doll! My names Greg. If ya need any anything give me a call!" he said while handing me a card. He turned the radio, and we pulled up in front of the gym. "Thanks Greg!" I said while handing him the money. He said,"Anytime hon!" I laughed, got out, and watched as he drove off. I walked into the gym and up to the front desk. I looked up at the man who ran the gym. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was probably around 22. He looked me up and down. "How can I help ya?" he said. "Umm yes I would like to get a trainer to help me with my boxing. I would like to practice with a punching bag too, please." He said,"Well I am the boxing trainer so follow me." I nodded and followed him down a hall. We went through a door and I saw other boxers hitting punching bags, and my trainer led me over to a free one. He said his name was Josh, and he helped me slip on my wrist tape and gloves. 

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