Chapter 22~ Blood Donations

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  • Dedicated to The Fans!:)

Buffy's P.O.V.***

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm super tired. I think I am going to sleep a little longer." I heard Sam say. "I love you my sister!" She added, turning the attention to me. I smiled.

"Goodnight Sam." I said. She smiled and got comfy on Liam. He chuckled, and her eyes closed.

"She's asleep." Liam said smiling, while looking down at Sam, who was snuggeling into his chest. We heard a knock at the door, and Harry said,"Can we come in now?" I laughed and said,"Yes Harry. Y'all can come in." The door opened and I watched Liam, who sent death glares to Harry. I opened my mouth to ask, but a gasp escaped my mouth as Niall grabbed me and sat me in his lap, making room for Harry to sit by us. I noticed Louis and Zayn sitting on the small sofa beside the window. "So, vas happenin?!?!" Zayn said, and we laughed. He was obviously trying to make light of the conversation, so I tried to help. "Haha you guys will never guess what Sam did when she was younger." I said. Liam looked at me and said,"What?" I giggled and said,"I can't tell you! She would kill me! Haha! Ask her about the movies. She knows what I'm talking about!" Liam smiled and whispered,"I will. Dont you worry Buffy." Niall's grip tightened on my waist, and he leaned forward and whispered into my ear,"Buffy. Tell him to back off. You're mine." I shook my head, and went to stand up, but Niall's hands stayed on my waist, pulling me back down. " Niall. Let me go." I said as I raised my eyebrow. He shook his head and tried to pull me back down. Someone knocked loudly on the door, and I fell back into his lap while I grabbed for my chest above my heart. "Oh my goodness gracious. Who is trying to scare me?" I said dramatically. Louis walked to the door and opened it, seeming the Dr. 

"Oh. Its you. Hi!" I said as he walked in, and Louis closed the door. He sat back on the couch, and the doctor walked to the edge of Sam's bed. 

"Hello Buffy. You're her sister, right?" I nodded, and he continued. "Okay so I have some bad news. Can we talk in private?" He said. I shook my head while furrowing my eyebrows together. "No, what you have to say can be said in front of all of us." I said. He slowly nodded and said,"Okay. So we have results on some tests we ran on Sam. She has a little bit of asthma, and alot of allergies. She hasn't been taking her medicine that was prescribed to her years ago. She can be released soon, but we will need to give her some more blood before, because she's so weak. Will anyone volunteer to be tested?" I nodded and raised my hand. "I volunteer. Wow I feel like tributes for the hunger games." I said. He nodded and said,"Come with me. The sooner we get this done, the sooner she can go home." I nodded, got up from Niall, and followed him out of the room.

Liam's P.O.V.***

After Buffy left the room, I glared at Harry. "You know that she's mine, right? She loves me, not you. That and I marked her, are the reasons why she's mine." I stated. Harry scoffed and said,"You actually think that she loves you? Wow! She doesn't even like you! Hell, she hates all of us!" I rolled my eyes, and said,"You are playing a very dangerous game my friend. But, beware. Challenge accepted. We'll see who she likes, or will like when she gets better." Sam snuggled deeper into my chest, and she sleep-talkingly said,"No! Stop! Let me go! I wanna see my parents! There is no way that they died in a car crash! Stop lying to me! I just saw them a few minutes ago. Please don't tell me that! Please!" I heard her start whimpering, and I felt my shirt getting wet. I heard Sam sobbing, and she began to shake. 

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