Chapter 21~ Elevators and Niall don't mix.

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Louis's P.O.V.***

"Guys! We need to take her somewhere! She barely has a pulse! We're losing her!" I heard Buffy scream. I ran in Liam's room and said,"Have no fear! Superman is here!" I picked Sam up and ran out of the room. I ran out the door, and to the hospital. I ran human speed through the emergency room doors, and yelled,"Somebody help! My sister fell and lost alot of blood! She barely has a pulse!" A group of people in scrubs ran out and took her from me, and put her on a stretcher. Another nurse came over to me, and grabbed my hand. They pulled me through a set of double doors, down a hallway, and into a room with chairs and magazines everywhere. She said," Sit down, and whenever we have news on your sister, we will let you know. We will have some forms for you to fill out." I nodded. She walked out, and came back in with some forms. Here is what they looked like:


Name: Sam

Age: 17

M/F: F

D.O.B.: 9-30-1995

Race: Caucasian



I left that one blank, and was tempted to put Buffy down as her sister, but since she's not related by blood, I decided not to. I gave her her clipboard, and she walked out. Harry, and Zayn walked in and took a seat beside me.

Buffy's P.O.V.***

When Niall and I got to the hospital, I went in and walked to the desk. 

"Hello? Miss? Could you please tell me what room Sam is in? I'm her sister, and I really wanna see her." I said politely, yet urgently. She didn't look that old, maybe in her 40's, with brown hair and blue eyes. She had on a purple jacket and a black dress. She nodded and said,"Can I have your name?" I nodded and said,"My name is Buffy." She nodded, said,"Room 340", and gestured me to go on. I thanked her, and rushed out of the room. I saw Louis and all of the other boys, except for Liam, in the waiting room. I said,"C'mom guys. Lets go see how she's doing." They nodded, following me down the hall. We got into the elevator. I looked around to see Louis to my left, Niall to my right, Harry and Zayn in front of me, Louis and Niall. As the doors closed, it went silent.

"Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" My eyes widened.

"Did of y'all really just fart, in an elevator, with no air holes? REALLY?!?!?! You have got to be kidding me. Let me guess. It was............. Niall!" I said and looked at Niall. His face was flushed, and he was backing into the wall. I held my nose and smacked him. He outer and said,"I'm sorry! I can't help it!". I sighed in relief when the elevator doors opened back up, and we were on level 3. I fast walked down the hall to room 340. I knocked on the door, and the boys stopped at it. "Come in with me Niall. Guys, stay out here and wait for Liam. If he comes, let him in." They nodded and I walked in. Niall closed the door as I sat down beside Sam, in a chair beside her bed. Niall pulled one over beside mine.

Sam's P.O.V.***

I yawned. 'I was sleeping again? Dad gum!' I thought. I opened my eyes, and saw Buffy and Niall beside my bed, sitting in chairs. Wait- My bed? I leaned up and looked around. Buffy put a pillow behind my back, so I wouldn't fall down. "Hey guys. Vas Happenin here?" l asked and smiled weakly. They smiled and Buffy said,"You are in the hospital. Again. Sam, you are the unluckiest person I know. You know that right?" she said along with a little chuckle. I nodded my head. "I know. I wanted to kill myself a few days ago, now it seems like I am without trying." I added with a little chuckly myself. I heard a gasp and looked up to see Liam at the door. He closed the door, and ran over to me. I opened my arms and he gave me a hug. "Sam I'm so sorry. I never meant to do this to you. It's all my fault. Oh no no no no. I did this!" he said barely audible. I shook my head and tightened my grip on him. "Liam, I did this to myself when I didn't let you drink from me. I knew that you needed to drink, and you told me not to struggle, yet I still did. I'm sorry I'm such a horrible person you guys." I said. Liam lifted me up and sat down on my bed, replacing me in his lap. He nuzzled his head into my neck, and shook his head. "No Sam. You're not a terrible person, babe. I am. We were the ones who kidnapped you. And marked y'all." He replied. 

"So? Does that mean we can go home?" I asked. Liam and Niall chuckled and shook their heads. "No Sam. Ya can't go back to yer homes. But you get to stay with us, One Direction!" Niall said. I chuckled and lied back onto Liam, feeling tired all of a sudden. I yawned and pulled the blanket over us. "I'm sorry guys, but I'm super tired. I think I am going to sleep a little longer." I said. "I love you my sister!" I added, turning the attention to Buffy. She smiled.

"Goodnight Sam." she said. I smiled and got comfy on my vampire pillow. He chuckled and I slowly fell asleep with the feeling that something was up with him and one of the boys.

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