Chapter 6~ How do ya like your omelet?

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Buffy's P.O.V.***

I woke up in Niall's bed with his arms around my waist. My legs were tangled with his, and my head was on his chest.


As soon as Niall took me out of Liam's room, he ran us back into his room. He sat me on the bed and ran and locked the door. He zoomed back and started taking off his pants. "Whoa! Whoa Niall what're ya doing?" I asked nervously. He chuckled and said, "I sleep in boxers, love." I slowly nodded. He took off his shirt and crawled into bed. He patted the space to his left. "C'mon love. Ya can't sleep in da floor. Ya gotta sleep up here." I slowly nodded and crawled in, laying on the edge. He slowly crept over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, as he moved back to his original space. He leaned his head into my neck. "Goodnight Buffy." I leaned into his semi-warm chest. "Goodnight Niall." I whispered. "Oh, by the way, you make my shirt look sexy." He whispered, and the darkness over took me.

~× Present time×~

I leaned my head up and stared at him. He's so cute when he's asleep!

'No Buffy. You're angry at them.' 

I rolled my eyes at my thoughts that he was cute. 

'I am supposed to be mad at him.' I thought.

Niall slowly opened his eyes and looked down at me. "Goodmornin gorgeous." he said in his husky morning voice. I blushed at his words. "Morning Niall, now let me go. I would like to get up." I said. Niall shook his head. "No thanks. I like this position." I groaned. "Niall let me go!" I squirmed out from his arms, and walked to the door. I put my hand on the knob, and went to turn it, but I felt a hand on mine, and it twisted the door open. I looked up to see Niall and his morning hair. It was messy, and going each way. I smiled, thinking how much work he wont have to fix it for their meeting. Before I walked out, I looked at the bedside table, and saw that it was 6:10 am. I turned around and walked out. I saw Sam at the dinner table with her hair wet. She was in her purple dress from yesterday. "Hey Buffy! I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and hair. I think you should do the same." I faked hurt. "Sam! That was mean!" Liam came up behind her and said, "I agree. You look a mess, Buffy." I sighed and went back to the bathroom. Buffy's toothbrush was probably the pink one, and I found my dress and walked out. "Can I have a toothbrush?" I asked. Niall nodded and went into the bathroom. He came back out with a purple one. He handed it to me and said,"Here love. Now go get a shower and hurry because Harry's making omelets." "One, don't call me babe. And two, tell him I want mine with cheese." He chuckled and walked away. I went into the bathroom, and started the shower.

Sams P.O.V.***

Niall came back from the shower and said,"Buffy said she wants her omelet with eggs." I laughed. "Typical Buffy! Let me help you cook, Harry." I started walking into the kitchen, and Harry said," Get out of my kitchen!" I laughed and walked out. I sat back beside Liam, and he laughed. "You look different without makeup." I gasped. "I can't help it! That was rude." I went to get up, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "I didn't mean it in a bad way. In my opinion, you look better without it." I blushed and he chuckled. "You don't need to blush, Sam. I was just saying my opinion." He let go of my waist. Buffy walked back in and was in her dress. She had her hair in a low, messy bun. She looked pretty. "Buffy, you look-" Niall interrupted me before I could continue. "Sexy!" I smacked him. "Niall! Let me finish! Buffy I was gonna say, Buffy! You are drop dead go-geuos!" I said in my hood voice. She laughed and said, "Thanks Sam. So do you!' I laughed and shook my head. Harry came in with our food, and Niall said,"Bout time I'm starving." Zayn scowled. "When aren't you hungry?" he asked. "Dont start it you two, now eat. Its 6:45. We only have 15 min to be at our meeting." Everyone nodded. 

We ate in silence, and all of the boys got up. "Dont try any funny business. I'm trusting you girls." Liam said sternly. We nodded, and I had to bite back a guilty smile, knowing we couldn't stay out of trouble. They said their goodbyes, and walked out of the bus.

Buffy turned to me and said, Grab your shoes. We're busting out!" I laughed and nodded. 

She grabbed a random bag and filled it with food. I looked at her questioningly, but she said,"Were gonna need food!" I laughed. "You sound like Niall!" I said. She laughed. "Enough. Now lets go!" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to Niall's room. She ran and opened the window. She jumped out, stuck the landing, got up, and waved for me to follow. I did, but I faceplanted. "Crap." I mumbled. I got up and started running after her. When were running in the forest, I tripped over a log, and a rock stabbed my leg. "Ouch!!!!!!!!" I screamed out in pain. Buffy came back to me. It started bleeding, and Buffys eyes grew wide. "The blood. The boys will find us!" She ripped off part of the food bag, and tied up my thigh to stop the bleeding. I tried to get up, but when I out weight on my leg, it made it bleed worse. Suddenly, I heard twigs snap behind us. Buffy helped me up, and helped to support my weight, but putting her arm around my shoulder. I did the same. We started running/hopping, and I heard a big "crash!" behind us. We froze and turned around. Our eyes widened at the scene.

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