Chapter 25~ More arguments

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Sam's P.O.V.***

I woke up feeling better all ready. I woke up earlier after the blood transfusion, and saw Tom. Liam wasn't happy, but we said we would Skype very soon. Yawning, I opened my eyes, and saw I was in the back of a van, in Liam's lap. 

"Hey Sam! How are you feeling?" Buffy asked me. 

"I'm better, thanks to you! I seriously cannot thank you enough Buffy. And Liam, I'm still upset about what you did. But I'm happy you came to the hospital for me." I smiled. I looked around the van and saw Harry, Niall, Buffy, and Zayn in the back, while Louis was driving. Buffy was in Niall's lap, like me and Liam. Harry was frowning, looking at the ground. I got up from Liam, crawled over to Harry, and crawled in his lap. I leaned my head against his chest, thinking,'Harry isn't acting normal. I should find out what's wrong.' 

"Hey Harry. What's wrong?" I asked while wrapping my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around mine too, put his head in the crook of my neck and said," Nothing now that you're here." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I felt Harry shiver beneath my lips, and I snuggled into his chest. "Harry, I know something's wrong. You know you can tell me, right?" he nodded into my neck, and I giggled. I pulled away from Harry and looked into his eyes. They were sparkeling, but he looked tired.

"Harry, when is the last time you ate? In fact, when is the last time all of y'all ate?" He sat there thinking. 

"Last night, I think. Before we went to the hospital." 

"Okay." I said.

Buffy's POV*** 

I saw Sam crawl over to Harry and whisper in his ear. They are so cute together! I'd rather her and Harry get together, than Liam and her. I looked at Niall and he was looking at me with hunger. "Harry, when was the last time you ate? Or the last time all of y'all ate?" Sam asked. "Last night, I think before we came to the hospital." Harry replied. I felt Nialls breath on my neck, his breath smelt of mint. His hair was tickling my neck. "You smell so nice Buffy." he whispered, nibbling on my earlobe. "It doesn't help when you're starving babe and you're sitting right in front of me." I whimpered, shuddered, and he chuckled. The car stopped, and we were back at their apartment. Niall grabbed my wrist, practically dragged me out of the car, and took me to his room. He pushed me up against the wall, and started kissing my neck. "Niall please stop! Please." I sobbed, while tears were . I felt him graze his fangs along my neck, then he bit me. I heard him gulping down my blood like it was precious I guess to him. I guess it is, considering he will go crazy without it. He took his fangs out, and fed me his blood. I pushed him away, and he pushed me onto the bed. I tried to push him away but he just pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you Buffy." was the last thing I heard before I went to sleep.

Sam's P.O.V.****

When we got to the apartment, Buffy was dragged into it by Niall. Harry picked me up bridal style, and carried me inside the apartment. 

"You wanna go sleep with Liam, or stay here with me babe?" Harry asked me. I yawned. "Can I sleep in here tonight? I am still scared of Liam from the stunt he pulled earlier." I said looking at the ground. Harry sat me down on the bed, and grabbed my chin, making me look at him while he squatted in front of me. I looked into his eyes, and he said,"Sam. You can sleep in here as long as you need to. I'm here for you babe. For anything." he said smiling. I yawned and smiled.

"Thanks Harry. I really appreciate it." I said. I scrated the back of my neck and said,"Um Harry? I was wondering if you had some spare clothes I could sleep in, maybe?" he chuckled and nodded. He got up and walked over to his dresser. He pulled out a shirt that said,'Hipsta Please' on the front. He pulled out a pair of boxers, and walked back over to me. "Okay babe, here's a shirt. The bathrooms over there," hw pointed to door," I would give you some shorts, but they would just fall off ya." I giggled and walked into the bathroom.

Harry's P.O.V.****

She walked into the bathroom and I walked over and lied down on my bed. As soon as I lied down, I saw a very angry looking Liam bust open my door. "Where is Sam?" he asked angrily. "She's sleeping in here tonight. With me." I said while smiling. "The hell she is. She is coming with me." He replied. Sam walked out of the bathroom with her hair put up in a messy bun, and my shirt down to her knees. Liam got even madder, even though that's almost impossible. 

"Bloody hell Sam! Take his shirt off! Or I'll rip it off of you! Go get your own clothes on, NOW!" Liam yelled while clenching his fists together. Sam glared at him. "You can't make me! Just because of some mark, you think you own me. Well, you don't. So leave me alone!!!" she yelled back, shaking. I walked over to her, and said,"Sam. Its okay babe. Just go with HIM if you want." She shook her head and said,"No Harry please don't make me! I'm terrified of him. Look how mad he is." she whispered the last part. She wrapped her arms around me, and Liam charged towards us. He stopped right in front of us. "You win this one, Styles, but victory will be mine in the end! Mark my words!" With that, he stormed out of the room.

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