Chapter 18

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Sam's P.O.V.*** 

I ran out of the room and tried to find Buffy. I looked in the other backstage rooms, but she or Niall weren't anywhere. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, and I smelt someones cologne. Someone's I don't know. 

"Say, what's a pretty gal like you walking around here all by yourself?" asked the voice, who I could tell came from a man. I pried his arms away, and turned around. 

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" I asked, and he smirked. Ignoring my questions, he asked, "What's your name hun?"

"Why should I tell you?" I replied. "Because if you don't, I will have to bring you to him and ask if I got the right girl." my eyes widened and my heart started pounding fast in my ears. "Aah. I see that I DID get the right girl." He said, and grabbed my arm. He threw me over his shoulder, dispite my thrashing around, and kicking and punching him. He used inhuman speed to take me somewhere. 'Great. Another bloodsucker!' I thought sarcastically. He put me down, and I felt arms snake around my waist from behind again. This time the person smelled like Liam's cologne. It was him. 

"Babe, why did you run? Our concert is over, and we have to go celebrate Hazza's birthday." Liam asked. I struggled out of hisp grip, but he picked me up bridal style, and made me look at him. I tried not to look into his eyes, but after a quick glance, I zoned out again. 

"Go home and find a dress to wear to a club. Oh, and one more thing. You're off limits to any other guy, so no flirting. Unless its with me." he added with a wink. Absentmindedly, I nodded. He smiled and said,"Now kiss me." I nodded and he pressed his lips to mine, closing his eyes. I zoned back in. I pushed him away and said,"Liam. What the heck are you doing?" He rubbed his neck nervously, opened his eyes, and said,"You wanted to kiss me. I was letting you." 

"Ha! Like that happened. I have to go get ready, so I'll be back in a few."

I said while noticing I'm back in the boys hotel, and my capturor was gone. I walked into Liam's room and dug threw the bags from our mall trip. I pulled out a dress, and slipped it on. I let my hair down into its natural waves, and applied some natural makeup and some silver glittery eyeshadow. I slipped into silver sparkely heels and walked out. I saw Liam on the couch, and he was dressed in a blue button up shirt and some khakis. He walked over to me and attempted to wrap his arm around my waist, but I pushed it away. "Stop Liam. Just stop. I still wanna see Buffy." I said. 

"Wanna see me?" I heard Buffy, so I turned around and saw Buffy wearing the same dress as me, except hers was purple, not white. I ran over to her and gave her a hug. "Are you okay Buffy? Did the ass hurt you?" I asked worriedly. She chuckled and shook her head. "No Sam, he didn't hurt me. Just marked me again." I glared at Niall through narrowed eyes, and Liam pulled me away and against his chest. "Hey guys! Ready to Par-Tay?" Zayn asked while walking down the hall in a white polo, black leather jacket, and blue jeans; with Louis, Niall and Harry. "Happy birthday Hazza!" I said and pulled away from Liam, running to give Harry a hug. He was wearing a blue shirt with hearts on it, and black pants. "Thank you Sam!" he said while hugging me back. I was ripped away and I immediately knew it was Liam. He pulled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist saying,"Mine." Everyone chuckled except for Niall, who was wearing a green polo and khakis. "What up with all of the Polo's?" Buffy asked. "That's what I was thinking. And Louis, why are you wearing your blue and white striped t shirt and red pants, when all of the other boys are dressed up?" I asked. Louis said,"This is my dressy outfit." he said while laughing.

"Everyone in the van!" Liam said while pulling me to the door.

When we got to the club, we walked up to the bouncer, passing all of the screaming fangirls, and he let us in. Everyone separated, and I managed to get away from Liam. I walked over to the bar and ordered a lemonade. The bartender handed me a yellow drink in wine glass. I drank it and asked for another one. After 3, I began to feel dizzy. "What is thisss? I thought it was lemonade!?" I asked the bartender. He shook his head. "Our lemonade is a mixture of assorted beer and wines." I shook my head. "But I don't want to driiink!" I slurred. He shrugged. "Sorry ma'am. You did." I got up and went to the dance floor. I started swaying to the music and I got bored. I staggered over to a table, and jumped on it. I started singing along with the music.

"Tell the bartender make that mother f*cker stronger. I wanna go all night longer. A couple rounds going down like water. I wanna go all night longer. Cause I do this every night, cause I do this every night. I wanna do this every night, I wanna do this every night.-"

I was about to finish the chorus, but I was yanked into someones arms, and tugged through the back door. I screamed and thrashed, but me being drunk didn't help. I was layed down in a van I was gentaly put into. I looked up and saw an angry looking Liam. "Heeeyy baby! Why diiid you do that? I was having fuuun!" I whined. Liam rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. He looked me in the eyes, and I got lost in them. "Go to bed. Now." he commanded. I suddenly felt very tired, but I didn't want to go to sleep. I yawned, my eyelids feeling like they weighed a ton. "Night Leeyum! I luff you!" I whispered before dozing off.

Buffy's P.O.V.***

Niall tugged me away from everyone, and sat me down at a table. He rounded the other side, and grabbed my hand from across the other side of the table. "Okay. Buffy. I know you don't want to become one of us, but I really want it. Buffy, I really care about you, why can't you see that? You always try to run, and it drives me insane! I knew when I saw you from on stage that night that we got you guys, that you were going to be perfect. I think it was luck that you saw us eating, and I am thankful for that. Because of that one little slip up of us not being careful, I found you. I know Liam feels the same about Sam." I looked at him confused, and it soon turned into anger. "No! Niall you can't make me! I refuse to become a blood sucker!" I screamed, and getting the attention of several people, who looked at us. "Buffy, honey, you need to calm down and stop being ridiculous." Niall said in a slightly raised voice. 

"No!" I protested.(A/N-See what I did there? ;D ) I got up, shoved passed people dancing, and angrily walked through the back door. I walked to the van, ignoring Liam's stare, and lied down next to Sam. I started feeling sleepy, and I slipped into a dream where One Direction aren't vampires.

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