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"So, we won't get blindsided by another dragon like the Fault Ripper." Jun says, getting off of her dragon and standing next to Ryu.

Instead of adding something, Ryu stares ahead wide-eyed, having a flashback to the Fault Ripper roaring while falling into the fissure

Jun sees his worried and a bit scared expression and tries to talk to him

"You okay, Ryu?" she asks her boyfriend, hoping he'll tell her what's wrong.

He turns to look at her and gives her a reassuring smile

"Yeah, fine. Right, bud? All good here." he says to her quickly, patting Thunder.

Jun doesn't believe what her boyfriend is saying

"You know, you can tell me if something's wrong." she tells him reassuringly.

He looks down, sighs softly, and then looks back at her

"I know; I'll tell you later. I promise." he tells his girlfriend.

Suddenly everyone hears a loud thud, making him and Jun gasp as they see dust coming up in the distance

"Something's wrong." Ryu tells the group.

A thud is heard as rocks and crystals continue to crumble, and the group hears growling as they go check it out and see those 3 Gembreakers again.

"What are those gem bullies up to now?" D'Angelo asks angrily.

Thunder snarls as he goes to check on what happened

All the others follow him as they get off their dragons once they land

The group hears a sad growl coming from the rocks, which is followed by quiet growling.

"Careful, Jun." Ryu says to her.

"Like you even know the meaning of the word." she tells him while smiling and chuckling, walking forward as he gives her a deadpan look.

Wu & Wei snarl at the set of crystals as a high-pitched shriek is heard, making Jun gasp

"Oh! Wu, Wei, back off. The Gembreakers trapped something in there." she tells her dragons as Wu had picked her up, and Jun's dragon held their tail in front of her.

"I think Jun's right." Ryu says, agreeing with her. "Okay, everyone. Look out." he informs the group "Open it up, bud." he says to Thunder, looking at him.

He lowers down a bit, roaring and growling as he charges up an lightning stream before shooting it, making the crystals clatter and a lot of dust come up

They hear something snarling as suddenly a small dragon runs by, shrieking and then hiding again, making Ryu gasp a bit

"Friend or foe?" D'Angelo asks, yelling at him.

"If-if you're a foe, you're not required to respond with violence." Alex says in a matter-of-fact tone.

We hear a small squeak and purr as a small white dragon with 2 front buck teeth and a small single horn on its head lets out a high-pitched shriek

"It's a baby unicorn!" Jun says excitedly, running to it.

Wu & Wei growl at their rider's excitement at seeing the new dragon

The small dragon squeaks and jumps on Jun

"Oh!" she yelps while laughing.

"It's definitely unicorn adjacent, Jun, but I think it's actually a dragon." Ryu says to her in a matter-of-fact tone.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now