Twenty Years Later

Start from the beginning

Emily was proud of the stubborn warrior her daughter was and despite the circumstances, Mina continued with her degree in social work achieving top marks even while she was looking after a newborn. Now her baby boy was almost three and she only had a year left of her course, and then she would graduate.

She had found herself a job at a local bar working during the day around her course despite Emily's worries that she was doing too much. Mina was headstrong and determined that she wasn't going to use her parents' money, they already did so much for her, for both of them.

Mina had been terrified of telling her Father's she was pregnant, she thought they would be disappointed in her. She wanted them to know that was going to continue her education.

But she needn't have worried, they were at every appointment, they made sure that She had everything she could possibly need, even resorting to using the spare key to her apartment, for them to build all of her nursery furniture and fully stock all of her cupboards, fridge and freezer. Emily gave them lists of everything Mina could possibly need, and they bought it, whilst Emily made sure that Mina had nutritious meals ready to heat up in a few moments. They never once made Mina feel like she had disappointed them, or let them down, they were always there, to gently guide her, telling her that she could do whatever she put her mind to, or just to sit on her sofa and hold a sleeping baby who screamed when he was put down, whilst she worked on an assignment.

They all doted on the baby boy that followed, JoonHo, they were putty in his little chubby hands and he could get away with whatever he wanted when he visited them.

"Halmeoni where cat cat?"

"I'm not sure baby they're probably sleeping? I'm sure they will be somewhere" probably hiding from you, Emily thought.

"Wim wim"


"Yes, my love?"

"Wim wim"

"Am I taking you swimming? Well, I better change so you wait right there and we will get the inflatable out?"


"Joon? I'm off to plan for next weekend ok? Then I'll finish off the cooking for Mina"

"No problem darling, we will be in the pool"

"Mmm. Love you" Emily kissed his cheek.

"And I love you"

"Loves you"

"And we love you" they both smiled in unison as they kissed JoonHo's little chubby cheeks.


"Right so Felix's flight lands then and he's bringing Mia, Lucy is arriving whenever she turns up with what's his face? What is his name? I've seen him a thousand times, oh, Woong. Daisy's flight lands then and she's bringing Dixie, so one pet bed and pet things. Tillie and Lola are back then, and Joseph and Molly's flight gets in then, oh and Audrey. Note add more pet things for her. Eliza and Minnie are picking them up so they will be arriving then, right. Joey and Charlie will already be here as will Mina and JoonHo. Oh and Iris is bringing Sophia and Julius? Yes. Note, make sure baby things are set out. Mattie and Archie, and Alfie is bringing, oh what's his name? Tom. The siblings are only coming for the day with their one thousand four hundred and twenty-seven children, So now to assign rooms!" Emily stabbed at her tablet.

"Having fun?"

"Oh loads, it's like coordinating a bloody Royal Family tour, our family getting together"

"Is Eliza picking up Joseph from the airport?"

"She sure is, with Mollie and Audrey, so I'll give them the couples room in the guest area, and make sure there's a pet bed and things for Audrey. I can't believe my Brother is married. Carol and Oliver can't make it. Oliver's lungs are still not functioning as they should. I've sent them a card, just so they know we're thinking of them" Emily frowned.

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