Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

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"Ok, Mrs Jeon, were ready. Now I'm not going to pretend this is going to be comfortable, but your Husbands are here and I'm sure they'll hold your hands" The doctor smiled.

Emily was anything but comfortable, she was undressed and wearing a gown, had her legs in stirrups, widely set apart with her bottom almost hanging off the end of the bed and her lady parts exposed, whilst the doctor and his assistants busied around her.

Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi were all with her, as their embryos were being transferred. The other boys were outside eagerly awaiting news.

"Would you like me to sing to you?" Jin smiled.

"Really? Don't even think about it" Emily rolled her eyes.

"Mrs Jeon, did you manage to climax this morning?" The doctor asked nonchalantly.

"Yes twice, and no penetrative sex either"

"Wonderful, now we will begin, if you try and relax as best you can, it should take too long"

Emily nodded. Closing her eyes and thinking of everything that happened that morning. The doctor had advised that arousal and climaxing were something that can aid with the implantation, the boys had taken this very seriously, and Emily had orgasmed more times in the last few days than she could count. All of her husbands had insisted on "helping".

But this morning, she had been woken up by the eldest trio with breakfast in bed and some beautiful flowers. They had run her a bath, massaged her tense muscles and teased two orgasms from her body with gentle strokes, slow licks, and loving kisses.

They had dried her hair, helped her dress and held her hands the whole way to the doctors' office. Although the conception might not be a natural one, it was filled with love, from both sides. Emily felt pressure and a small amount of pain in her lower abdomen as the doctor talked quietly about what he was doing.

Emily cleared her mind, squeezed the offered hands and focused on how much love she felt for these men, how much she was going to love their babies. How happy she was, she let every feeling she felt for them flow through her veins.

"Well done Mrs Jeon, that all done. All three embryos successfully transferred"

"That was quick" Emily smiled.

"I'll see you in two weeks, so we can see how they're getting on ok? Remember you may have some cramping, bloating, a little excess vaginal discharge and maybe a little bit of spotting but that's normal and please remember to take it easy and realistically no sex for fourteen days. If you have any concerns give us a call, even if you think you may be wasting our time, you aren't"

"Thank you doctor"

Emily sat on the side of the bed, still in her gown with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"This is it, we're really doing this"

"Shall we go home?" Yoongi whispered.

"Yes, Yes, please. I want to cuddle and eat all the food, but first I need to pee out the 900 glasses of water I had to drink for him to see my stupid bladder"

"Ok, we will wait for you out there. Oh and Emily?"


"I love you"

"Oh don't, I'll cry again. I love you too, all of you" Emily began to cry as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

"I hope you're happy in there little babies because we need you to all grow big and strong, ok?" Emily rubbed her stomach.

The two weeks passed agonisingly slowly. The boys constantly checked on Emily or had Choi check on her. Emily felt fine, absolutely fine, she read about people knowing they were pregnant instantly, but she didn't. Her HCG levels showed she was pregnant but she would have to wait until the fifth week for a scan to find out how many babies were in there.

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