Chapter One Hundred and Nine

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"Right Mrs Jeon, so since your tests and your soulmates tests have come back all clear in terms of both health and fertility and your sterilisation incision has healed very nicely you are ready for your transfer whenever you want to continue.

Before the transfer, you need to take the fertility drugs to ensure the transplanted embryos take. This means you will inject yourself with this drug twice a day, a week prior , and take these tablets once a day for two weeks before them being transferred, before that though we will ask you to take this test every day to show your hormone levels and then we will transfer the embryos working from that scale.

I have pencilled in a date when I think you will be most fertile in a few weeks. We will attempt to create three embryos from each Father using the donor eggs and sperm from each of your husbands. We like to have spares as not all embryos will survive the process. If there are any unused embryos at the end of the process they can then be frozen for a maximum of around ten years and will be ready for a transfer in the future. We will do all the embryos at once, so twenty-one in total.

Now I know we've discussed the side effects of the drugs and they're not going to be too dissimilar from how you feel before your period, once pregnant there's always morning sickness, but there's a pamphlet on some of the side effects, but once you have that little baby or babies, I'm sure you'll look back and say it was worth it. I hope

One thing I will specify is that you must use precautions when partaking in any sexual activity. You will be incredibly fertile and that may also increase your libido. Once your husbands have given their specimens we are ready to make babies for you. I've looked at your period dates and they're pretty reliably spaced, but if that changes please let us know"

"Can I begin the medication today?"

"You can begin whenever you like, just let us know"

"We will, thank you"

"Can I just speak to the doctor alone for a few minutes please?" Emily smiled at the boys as they shuffled out with curious looks on their faces.

"I didn't want to ask in front of them, because as soon as those babies are inside of me they're going to treat me like a glass doll, but I have preferences"


"Sexual preferences, Erm, how do you say it? I like to be spanked and flogged. How safe is it during pregnancy?"

"Ok, Mrs Jeon, as long as you're not lying on your back for long periods after the third or fourth month depending upon multiple pregnancies or not, and you don't practice any erotic asphyxiation at all, I'm happy for you to still enjoy a healthy sex life, be careful and trust your senses, no tight restraints and nothing that increases your heart rate too much, once your bump gets bigger you will find that lying on your stomach or indeed at all for long periods is no longer possible. If you have any concerns at all you can call at any time"

"Thank you, Doctor"

"Anytime Mrs Jeon, and don't forget condoms" he smiled walking her out into the waiting room where the boys were anxiously waiting for her.

Emily and the boys thanked the doctor as they left with all of their paperwork explaining each step and Emily's prescriptions.

Emily walked out of the office, feeling like she was having an out of body experience. She was so excited, nervous and terrified in equal measure. Getting into the waiting car, Emily just stared ahead.

"Baby? Are you ok?"

Emily nodded, wide-eyed. They were having a baby. A fucking little baby. They were really doing this. They had decided to go from oldest to youngest whether Emily carried or they used a surrogate, So embryo's fertilised by Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok would be implanted this time. So Emily had the chance to have triplets, twins or just one baby. But Emily wanted each of her Husbands to have at least one baby that was theirs, whether that was via her own womb or via a surrogate. It was important to her.

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