Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

"I'm ready, and the babies have their ear defenders and Minnie is going to take them home after the countdown and celebrations. I might go with them, I don't know. Oh, I hope it goes well" Emily smiled nervously.

"It will be ok, alright? We're only doing two songs and then we will bring them out, and chat and then we're doing a third if they're ok we will keep them with us, if not they can come straight off to you ok? Look at them, they're fine" Hoseok stepped aside to see three absolutely beaming toddlers in their ear protectors.

"I know, am I ok to watch from the side?"

"Of course you are baby, you don't need to ask. You could come on stage with them?"

"No, No. I'm absolutely fine at the side. Ok, go get 'em tiger " Emily internally cringed at herself.

As the boys performed, the first two songs seemed to both fly by and take forever. Emily knew the babies weren't going to stay a secret forever, especially as she had already been pictured pregnant, and then not. The boys were so proud of their children, and the babies absolutely adored their Fathers. This was important to them, and she knew it was better to be in a controlled environment rather than a paparazzi shot.

"Now, we need you to be a little quiet. We have a few special guests we would like you to meet" Namjoon beamed.

The boys picked up the three from the side of the stage where Minnie and Emily had been trying to keep them from running on.

"We would like to introduce you to our three children" The crowd quietly clapped as Emily saw people looking open-mouthed at them.

"Apppppppa" Daisy grinned at the enormous screen showing their faces.

"Is that you?" Namjoon pointed, as she nodded grinning back at him.

"Do you want to stay with us while we sing the next song?" Hoseok looked at Emily as she nodded with a smile.

"Yaaaaaaaaah" Felix clapped his hands, Emily didn't know how she had such happy babies, especially with so many people in front of them. It was as though no one but their Appa's existed.

As the chords began to play, a tear dropped down Emily's face. She was so proud she could burst. The boys dreamed of this. Their children watching them perform, and now they were performing in Central Seoul on New Year's Eve holding their children, who absolutely idolised them.

As Namjoon rapped Daisy starred at him with an open mouth and wide eyes. He passed her to Yoongi, and she did the same when he rapped, and giggled when he winked at her.

Lucy just snuggled into Jungkook's neck and stayed there. Just smiling and occasionally clapping her hands, when he began to sing, she looked at him in shock and giggled when he made funny faces at her.

Felix however clambered down from Hoseok's grasp and began to dance with his hands on the stage and his bottom wiggling in the air. Emily couldn't help but giggle, taking a video on her phone.

"When your son is a better dancer than you" Namjoon smiled to a wave of laughter.

As they said their goodbyes to the crowd and scooped up Felix. Emily kissed them all.

"Oh god, I'm proud of you, so proud" she smiled as another tear dripped down her face.

"Oh baby, you're so cute. I loved that, it went so well! Seriously nothing phases these three!" Jungkook lightly bounced Lucy.

"Are you going to go home with Minnie and see Halmeoni and Harabeoji? After we count down to midnight?" Taehyung grinned.

"I has milk?" Lucy smiled at Emily

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