Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

Start from the beginning

"All present and correct"

"Do they look happy?"

"They look very relaxed, all they have done so far is sleep and they've been given some of your colostrum through their feeding tubes"

"Oh good, I know the midwife said about massaging my boobs to get my milk to come in and then I can begin expressing"

"Well, how about you have your pain meds and eat some food and one of us will stay here with you and we can cuddle?"

"Are you allowed to?"

"Yes, we asked the midwife if we could, they'll even put up a second bed. It's private health care, so it's like a hospital hotel"

"Oh, that's great! I'd love you to stay"

"Painkillers for Mrs Jeon? I'm afraid because you've had some during the birth, these ones are a pessary"

"A pessary? For where?"

"They go into your bottom, is that ok?"

"Erm yeah, that's fine"

"Ok, if you roll onto your side and bring your knees up a little, I'll just pop a little lubricant into my fingers and pop it in" the nurse smiled sympathetically at Emily's horrified face.

"Do you want us to?" Yoongi pointed at the door

"No, just stay there, it'll only take a minute, it's not like you haven't seen it before" Emily closed her eyes with a smile.

Turning onto her side she felt a cold hand part her bottom cheeks and it felt like someone stroking over her puckered hole.

"There we are, all done" the nurse pulled Emily's gown back down, and removed her gloves.

"I didn't feel a thing, maybe all the anal sex is good for something" Emily slapped her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry, it just came out" Emily smiled sheepishly at the nurse, who just laughed.

"Right well, I'll go and round up the others, and we will go home and update everyone. Remember you can call us at any time, we will see you tomorrow" Namjoon smiled leaning forward and kissing her head.

"Thank you, for everything, you've all been brilliant. I'll see you tomorrow" Emily waved as Namjoon left. Snuggling back into Yoongi Emily felt like her emotions were like a tennis ball in a pro match. Smashing backwards and forwards.

"I've brought your dinner Mrs Jeon, Miyeok Guk and afterwards we will give your breasts a little massage and see if we can get that milk in" Emily looked at the bowl of green sludge, with confusion. Surely this was a face pack?

"It's full of vitamins and minerals and helps to ensure your blood can be replaced after birth, it's rich in calcium and helps with your milk supply" the nurse bowed out.

"Right, Erm, thank you"

Emily took a spoonful tentatively tasting a sip expecting it to be absolutely disgusting,
It was delicious, salty and sweet with a background of the sea. With tiny chunks of beef. Emily ate the whole bowl without pausing to breathe.

"Better than it looked?" Yoongi smiled

"That was amazing, it looked like a face pack, but wow, I could eat that all day!"

"Well you might have it each day, it's common for them to serve it to new mothers for each meal because of the health benefits"

"As long as once I get home I can have some proper food too, I don't mind at all. I can't wait for a great big big fat greasy burger and coke, oh god coke!"

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