Chapter Eighty Three

Start from the beginning

At the gift shop, Emily had bought some little gifts to send to Mattie and Joseph. Mainly some small stuffed toys. The boys were running around like finding things was a timed activity. Coming back with armfuls of stuffed toys and souvenirs.

Emily was so thankful the boys had brought Joseph's model train with them, so she could take some photos.

Emily picked up an oversized grey hoodie with the zoo emblem on the front. She thought maybe she should have some hoodies for the boys to steal, instead of her stealing theirs. Maybe. Emily thought that the zoo was just the right size especially as her jet lag was starting to make her feel tired.

They hailed two yellow taxis, stopping before getting in to take more photos with the driver and with the cab, when they got in the cabs and they drove off, giggling, security was behind them in the large SUV's. They stopped at the famous "Central Perk" cafe, where Namjoon's eyes had almost fallen out of their head he was so excited. They all got photos together, pretended to be different characters, the boys thought Emily was a mix of Monica and Joey much to her annoyance, they were probably right. Then just as her stomach voiced its disapproval at being empty, they headed off for their lunch date.

"Here?" Emily looked up at the building with a smile.

"We thought you would prefer here than somewhere stuffy with uncomfortable seats?"

"You guys! You do know that you're going to have to watch me eat a burger like that sea lion was eating his lunch right?"

"Yep," Taehyung popped the 'p' smiling as they all walked in.


Emily had eaten so much food at the little burger restaurant, she wasn't actually sure she would make it back to the hotel. American portions were huge even for her. She had half of her meal in a carry outbox, and even the boys had some leftovers.

The servers were all on roller skates with red and white striped shirts, tucked into red jeans, their coiffed hair was reminiscent of the film Grease.

The loud music hailing back to that era. The boys were singing along. Emily was always amazed at just how much music the boys knew. From any genre and any era and most languages, they could sing along.

She had chosen a bacon double cheeseburger with extra pickles which Emily was sure was bigger than her head, seasoned fries and some little cheese things which almost burnt her mouth they were so spicy. The boys helped her to finish them off.

They hailed a cab back to the hotel, as they sat in the back. Emily leant her head on Jin's shoulder. She couldn't wait to shower and sleep, she was exhausted, but she had missed her boys.


Back at the hotel, the first thing Emily did was to take off her restricting clothes, even her underwear felt too much and let her food baby breathe. That was one thing after her operation, her stomach would feel tight even if she was just the smallest amount bloated. She was going to shower but thought she would just have a little lie down to find some energy first.

Laying down completely naked on the softest sheets she had ever felt, starfished on the enormous bed, she felt her jet lag hit her like a truck and within minutes she had fallen fast asleep. The boys gently knocked on her door, checking on their soulmate, and bringing her, the takeout box of her leftovers, when they got no answer they held their key card over the reader a beep announcing that they could enter.

All seven of them stood looking at their sleeping soulmate, naked with her mouth wide open, snoring quietly.

"Should we really be here?"

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