Chapter Sixty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Jesus Emmy, I haven't heard you speak Korean like that before. It's amazing. You've picked it up so quickly"

"I have lessons every week, it's easier when everyone around you speaks Korean, it's even funnier when people think you don't understand them, and bitch about you, only for you to reply"

"I bet. I suppose they just assume you're a tourist"

"Or a crazy fan, the number of times I've been stopped by security when I have a hat on, or they can't see my hair. It like my defining feature, even though I have a pass card"

"You mean you aren't a crazy fan?" Jin looked mockingly sad.

"Well slightly crazy and a bit of a fan, does that count" Emily smiled at him.


Emily looked at the table, filled with bags and bags of Food. The boys had ordered from her favourite Italian restaurant. Jin even had his very own bag his food was without potatoes or garlic. They had been delivered and just needed to be heated in the oven. But first,

"A photographer? But I just walked across that grass and nothing was there?"

"That's why we blindfolded you, silly!"

"But, I look.."

"Absolutely beautiful baby" Jin kissed the top of her head

Outside the photographer took a few posed shots of them and her engagement ring, and a few of her with Mattie and Iris. Then for the rest, the boys were just being themselves, Charlotte was wandering around happily and Emily took the opportunity to spend some time with Iris.

Holding her in the air above her head she swung her around, just in time for Iris to vomit all over Emily's face, hair, her dress and her shoes.

"Ewwww! How can something so small puke so much"

"Oh god, Ems! I'm going to pee myself! Your face" Mattie was practically on the floor.

"On the bright side at least it wasn't poop" Archie deadpanned as the boys still hadn't picked themselves up off the floor laughing.

"Please tell me you got that?" Namjoon managed to squeeze out in between guffaws, to the photographer.

"Sure did" the photographer smiled showing him the collection of photos, the before, the during and the after.

"I'll be back" Emily stomped into the shed to rinse off her hair, change her dress and wash her face. Vomited milk really stinks, she thought.

"Do you need a hand?" Taehyung popped his head through the door.

"I should be ok, at least we got the main photos, right?"

"Yeah the photographer is packing up, he's going to send over what he has next week, and then we can order prints to be shipped to the dorms"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to ruin what you had planned"

"You didn't ruin anything! That was brilliant, for us, things don't have to always be perfect you know?"

"I know. Thank you. Did I get it all from my hair?"

"I think so, do you want me to bring you some clothes?"

"Please baby. I love you"

Walking back into the bathroom to see Emily now make up free, with her hair bouncing back into curls, standing only in her panties. He loved her when she was like this, just natural.
He knew she preferred them like that too, she was always fascinated by just how much makeup they wore and compared them to having alter egos on stage, especially Jimin.

Passing her a comfy matching black tracksuit. She slipped it on, over her head and up her legs.

"I don't need a bra, right?"

As he strode over to her placing his hands on her waist, he moved his hands up until he was cupping her breasts under her jumper, his thumbs swiped over her nipples making her gasp.

"Nope" popping the p he turned to leave hearing echoes of Emily muttering profanities.


"I knew it was him! I said at the beginning he would be the murderer" Jimin squealed

"Hyung he was your sixth guess" Jungkook smiled sadly.

"I still said it would be him" Jimin argued.

"Oh my god, I'm so full. I swear I didn't feel like fat when I had this thing inside of me" Mattie laughed prodding Iris, asleep on her chest.

"I know, I'm going to need to brush my teeth for an hour. I'll pop some cake over tomorrow for you, is that ok?"

"Ems if I tried to eat it now I'd do an Iris" Mattie broke out into giggles as Emily frowned at her, a small smile creeping across her face.

"Well, we better be going, leave you to celebrate some more" winking not so discreetly Mattie stood up, dragging Archie to the hall.

"I've left your gift on the table" smiling Mattie picked up her things and wandered across the road.

Trotting into the kitchen Emily picked up the rectangular shaped gift and slowly unwrapped it.

As she turned it over, she gasped, sobbing loudly. Mattie had hand-drawn her parents and Grandmother looking down on her and the boys. It's was in perfect detail. Emily ran her fingers over the glass as tears started to splatter down the picture.

"What's wrong.. oh that's beautiful"

"Wow! When she asked for me to take a picture of the photos you showed us I didn't think it would be this good. She's very talented" Jimin smiled.

Emily ran past the boys, throwing the front door wide open, Charlotte on her heels, checking nothing was coming she ran full speed barefoot across the road and up Mattie's driveway, hammering on the front door. As Mattie opened the door ready to shout at whoever it was Emily leapt at her. A mass of arms legs and curls.

"I love you, I love you so much, thank you"

"Oh Emily, I'm so glad you like it"

"Like it? It's the best present anyone could ever give me. I don't know what I have done to deserve you"

"I love you too. Now get back over there, fix your face, and get your birthday bumps from
those guys. I'll see you tomorrow, don't forget the cake"

As Emily turned to walk back across the road, the boys all waiting for her, Emily knew what she wanted tonight, but it was going to take a little bit of coercion.

As Han and Choi bid their goodnights heading up the stairs. Emily waited until she heard their door click.

"Is anyone else hot? I'm hot" she smiled removing her jumper.

"Baby are you ok?" Yoongi looked at her quizzically.

"I'm fine, just really, really hot" taking her pants off, and throwing them over the sofa.

Jin put the back of his hand to her head
"You don't feel hot. Let me find the thermometer"

"Not that kind of hot Jinnie. I'm hot for you" she stood between his legs. Her pointer finger trailed over his plump lips.

"Just me?" He enquired with a smirk.

"No. I want you, and you, and you, and maybe you, you, you and definitely you" finishing on Taehyung after walking slowly around the room, tapping each man's chest.

"All of us?" Hoseok's eyebrows wiggled, he was practically vibrating.

"Every single one of you. Shall we go to my room?" she smiled.

"May God forgive me" Jungkook muttered as he scooped Emily up, throwing her almost completely naked body over his shoulder and running out of the back door and across the garden into the shed and throwing her on the bed.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now