Chapter Sixty Two

Start from the beginning

As they drew up to large superstore and got out of the cars. Emily turned to the boys "Right, when we get in there, split off, so we don't draw too much attention, you are in charge of snacks, I'll get the actual groceries, I'm taking Jin, Joon and Jungkook"

"I'll keep eye on them" Han pointed at Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung laughing.

"Ok, so Choi, remember if you want it, Chuck it in, same goes for you Han," Emily said waggling a finger in their direction.


Two hours, four full trolleys, an impromptu singalong to Dynamite that happened to be playing instore and waning patience they left the store, an in-store McDonald's saved anyone cooking when they got home, despite the fact they had just bought enough food to feed them all for the week!

Arriving home and unloading the groceries took less time than Emily thought with all of them helping. Yoongi had only requested one thing- a coffee machine and some espresso pods for it. She knew he had been working extra well into the night and wasn't sleeping very much. Emily also picked up some regular coffee and some hot chocolate pods for her too.

The American style fridge freezer was packed full, The cupboards were all full and Emily had fully stocked the pantry. She would have to prioritise what needed using up before they headed back next week. But first, they needed to celebrate her birthday and their anniversary this coming week. Emily had been told not to plan anything as they would be taking care of it.

Yawning, She grabbed her McDonald's bag telling the others she was going to give Yoongi his meal and would see them later with little kisses for them all.

Opening the door the most beautiful sight greeted her. Charlotte on top of the covers, snuggled into Yoongi who was under the covers. Charlotte had a throw blanket draped over her. Emily put the food down, snapping a picture for the group chat, and crawled into bed. Leaning over and kissing Yoongi.

"I told you not to do that Charlotte" he rasped in Korean

"Well, smooching Charlotte as soon as I go out" Emily laughed, as Yoongi almost fell off the bed in surprise

"Sorry! Jesus! She kept trying to lick my face"

"Are you saying I kiss like a dog Yoongs?" Emily raised an eyebrow.

"No, that's not what I'm saying, I just didn't hear you come in"

"I thought I'd be nice and bring you your food and eat mine in bed with you, but if you would rather snuggle with Charlotte?" Emily giggled.

"Charlotte go find Joon, go find him! Good girl!" Charlotte grunted as she jumped off the bed, leaving via the microchip activated electric dog door, and going into the house the same way.

"I'm so glad we taught her that! Did you manage to get a coffee machine? They weren't too expensive were they?" Asked the multimillionaire seriously.

"Yep, I got two and the pods to go with them. We got the best they had and a little pod stand to go next to it. I got hot chocolate ones. That way you can have one at home and one in your studio"

"Mmm, you're an angel. You sound like you had fun"

"You know what? I did! We bought so much food!"

"When we get back we're going to have to do double workouts, you're feeding us so well! I might have to roll back home"

"Speaking of which.. your burger" Emily snorted laughing.

Sitting in bed both eating, Emily relished the silence.

"I don't think I've told you this, but, I'm proud of you" he suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"Me? Why?"

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