Chapter Sixty One

Start from the beginning

"So how's it going, the boobs?"

"Oh god at first it felt nice looking down at her, like we connected, she latched on almost immediately after she was born and hasn't stopped since but then as my nipples got more and more sore it felt like she was a little piranha, I dreaded feeding her but we're good, I got some cream from the chemist. Honestly some days I feel like a cow, if I'm not expressing, I'm feeding and in between I'm leaking. I just always smell like milk. They seem to go from enormous watermelons to sad lemons in a sock" How Archie still wants to do anything I don't know"

"Ouch. I'm glad you've got to try feeding her yourself though. I know you really wanted to. So have you and Archie, you know, tried anything?"

"We did, but it was so uncomfortable inside, it honestly felt like reverse giving birth. I suppose it's to be expected, for now we're just sticking with the outside, he's had more fucking blow jobs in the this last year than I can count, I swear my knees have callouses" Mattie laughed bitterly.

"You know you're really selling this whole baby thing. Imagine times that by seven, I'm just going to be a sex doll with my mouth propped open for a year. Part of me hopes I get as horny as you do so I can make the most of it before I'm a whale" Emily couldn't contain her giggles.

"Did you two want any snacks while you're waiting? Before it is all gone?" Yoongi produced a platter of Chinese starters and two bottles of water.

"Oh you're an absolute star. I'd love some" As Yoongi passed Mattie the plate. He glanced down at Iris, before walking back into the house quickly.

"Is he ok?"

"He saw your boob, he got embarrassed. Don't worry he will be fine. I think they all forget they maybe sucked on someone's nipple when they were babies. Although they seem to remember the action well enough" Emily rolled her eyes.


All sat on the floor with amazingly full plates of food and a murder mystery playing. Iris was fast asleep on the floor in her carry cot, Charlotte was asleep next to her, with one ear trained on the tiny baby, as if protecting her. Emily was always a little over cautious at allowing Charlotte to get too close to her, figuring it was better to be safe than sorry, she was a big dog and sometimes didn't know her size.

The boys had made sure Emily ordered practically the whole menu and over half had already gone. Han and Choi opted to eat in the kitchen, and watch the football on the television in there. Emily made sure they had plenty of beers chilling in the fridge.

Everyone was half watching the tv and half chatting amongst themselves. Archie had found a fast friend in Taehyung who was eagerly chatting about photography with him and Jungkook. Mattie was chatting about her job with Namjoon and Jin and Emily was happily eating sat on Jimin's lap. Hoseok and Yoongi were making sure everyone had drinks, checking on Iris, and generally just being the best hosts.

As Emily slurped a long noodle, Jimin picked up the other end, slurping it into his mouth, like Lady and the Tramp, a camera clicked as they got a few inches apart, then stopping to have a quick kiss.

"God you two are just too sweet" Mattie pretended to vomit and shook her head.

"Oh before I forget, I wanted to ask you boys for a favour, a big one. You can say no. If you're not ready" Mattie smiled a pleading smile

"Emily has booked us a spa day, and I know Archie has been desperate to spend some proper time with the boys, is there any chance.."

"Yes, we would love to! If you provide plenty of food for her. We will take care of the rest!" Namjoon excitedly interrupted.

"You will? And you won't drop her? And her nappies are.. well, disgusting" Mattie winked.

"I won't drop her! And I'm sure we have clothes pegs" Namjoon deadpanned

"It'll be good practice for you!"

"Mattie!" Emily smacked her best friends arm.

"Owww! I was just saying! At least they'll know what a chill baby is like before you unleash the tiny dragons from your taco" Mattie giggled

"Taco?" Jungkook looked confused

"Think about it" Yoongi raised an eyebrow

"Oh, ohhhhh, I'm never going to look at taco the same way"

"I hope you don't eat her taco the same way you eat an actual taco either... Hananim" Hoseok looked up.


Emily was getting ready for bed in the bathroom of the shed with Namjoon squeezed next to her.

"You know I really enjoyed tonight" he nudged her with his hip.

"Me too. I love how you guys all get on especially with Mattie and Iris. You know you're going to be the best Appa's one day" Emily smiled snuggling into his bare chest.

"And you. Are going to be. The best Eomma" he punctuated each bit with a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you Mr Kim"

"I love you Mrs Kim"

"Mrs Kim?"

"You will be one day! If you choose to, I thought I'd see how it sounded"

"And how does it sound Mr Kim"

"Absolutely perfect Mrs Kim"

As Emily stripped off her pyjamas, and allowed Namjoon to rub some lotion into her sore spots. He rubbed up and down her thighs, moving onto her back, her shoulders, his large warm hands made her feel like putty.

"Fucking hell, your hands are amazing! I feel like I'm 2d I've sunk that far into the bed"

She turned onto her back, pulling him down into a soft, gentle kiss.

"I am so lucky to have you, all of you. Thank you for being so patient with me. I know I'm a knobhead and a big cry baby but You guys have really changed my life"

"We are the lucky ones"

They chatted for a while before Emily snuggled into his chest, her legs wrapped around him. Her arms around his neck.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now