"I'd be so jealous, thousands of women screaming at them. I'd never feel good enough. Like I would never let a woman near them, I wouldn't trust them to leave my sight!" Mattie sighed, Emily hadn't thought about it too much, she didn't get jealous of their fans. When the boys went out with their friends, she just hoped they had a good time. When she met any of their friends male or female, she just hoped she made a good impression. But she never thought about them cheating or being hit on seriously. Was she naive and stupid or did she just trust them?

"So... you look far too comfortable with a baby in your arms, have you thought any more about it?" Mattie asked breaking the awkward silence.

"No, I try not to. I know the boys are at the top of their game career-wise, and I don't want to put any extra pressure on them. I mean, it's only been a year and that year has been drama-filled from start to finish. I think we'll maybe give it a few years and then think about it properly" Emily nodded thoughtfully as if she was convincing herself rather than Mattie.

"Hmm, well, I saw the look in your eyes when Jimin held Iris the other day. I thought you were going to start trying there and then!"

"Seeing them with any child, I feel like I'm either going to explode with love or cry. I don't know what's wrong with me!"

"Emily you're broody. It's ok to admit you want babies. Just don't torture yourself ok? They can still have careers and be parents. Have you talked to them about how you feel?"

"Not really. Just in passing, like we can't wait for babies, but nothing concrete. I think I'm scared" She cuddled Iris close to her, smelling that newborn smell everyone always raves about. She knew the smell now, it was almost intoxicating. Watching her little fingers curl and uncurl as she slept. Emily was in love.

"They're not mind readers, come on Emmy, they're the most understanding men I've ever come across. But they don't know how you're feeling inside if you don't talk to them. Anyway, how are your books coming along? When I saw the ones you gave me for Iris, I cried. They're beautiful."

"Actually really well, my order book is full up until November. That's just from word of mouth and friends of people who have bought them. It's nice to have a 'job' if you know what I mean?"

"I do, you're not just the megastars soulmate, you're Emily, author, auntie, bestie, and all-round nympho" Mattie cackled making Iris stir slightly.

"I'm not a nympho I just..."

"You Have more sex in a month than I've had in my entire life, Hmm! I saw the shed shaking the other day, it's was 2 p.m.!"

"It wasn't shaking, and I like spending my afternoons exercising" Emily winked.

"No wonder you need a nap" Mattie stood up, taking Iris so Emily could stand up off the floor.

"Speaking of which! Someone needs their nap, and someone's Mummy needs their nap, and someone's Auntie needs to go and do her afternoon 'exercise'" Mattie exaggerated her finger quotations with a wink.

"You are funny. Not. I'll see you both later? Archie too? About 7 ok for you?"

"7 is fine, I'll bring Iris in her carrycot and get her ready for bed beforehand and hopefully she'll stay asleep. I've got her dinner cooking"
Mattie pointed at her chest.

"That's handy, do you want your usual
Ordering and Archie too?"

"Yeah, but can you ask for no chilli in mine? She always has an awful nappy if I have it, she must take after her father" Mattie rolled her eyes.

As Emily walked across the road, her mind spinning with everything she and Mattie had just talked about. She didn't go through the front door, she slipped through the back, and down to her shed alone.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now