"Err Miss Emily are you ok? Is something wrong" Choi interjected her overthinking with a concerned face.

"No Choi, nothings wrong, nothing at all" her face starting to turn as red as a berry.

As they set off back home. Emily couldn't help but smile. She was going to cook dinner for her soulmates. Her soulmates she loved.


As the boys opened the front door, the smell of food hit them, it smelled mouthwatering, it didn't smell Korean, but it smelled delicious.

As they all stepped into the kitchen, the sight made them smile. Not the food, Emily, with her hair in a bun on top of her head, flour smeared across her cheeks, and a rosy glow decorating her face. She looked at home. She looked happy swaying her hips to the background music- their music.

As Yoongi cleared his throat, Emily almost dropped the tray in her hands, but righted herself in time.

"You scared me! Welcome back, it'll be ready and on the table in fifteen minutes, so go wash up" she ushered them all out, before turning back to her beloved gravy, stirring the dark liquid.

She decided it was best just to put the food in serving dishes, as she didn't know what they would all like. She just hoped they would like it.

As she set the already rested and carved beef onto a tray, she smiled. This was home. There were piles of steaming vegetables, roasted and mashed potatoes, stuffing, roasted chicken, mountains of homemade Yorkshire puddings and two rather large jugs of gravy. As the boys all filed in, they looked amazed.

Jungkook picked up a Yorkshire Pudding and eyed it suspiciously

"what is it?"cocking his head to one side.

"It's a Yorkshire pudding made with thin pancake batter and put in the oven. You use it to mop up the gravy, it's traditionally eaten with beef"

"York..shire pudding, so isn't it a dessert" Taehyung now curiously looking at them too.

"No, you can eat them with jam, but they're more traditional with your dinner, although I had a great aunt who ate them with gravy as a starter"

As if a bell had been rung, they all dived in, plates heaped. Emily just sat watching them all, until Jin swapped his plate with hers.

"So, you don't miss out. A chef should always eat well" He smiled.

He then went back to filling his plate, Emily noticed he didn't touch the potatoes, maybe he's limiting carbs, she mused her head cocked to one side.

"I'm allergic to potatoes, don't worry, it's not that I don't like yours " Jin smiled at her concerned face.

"Oh god I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask if anyone was allergic to anything, I just assumed you all ate meat too"

Through an enormous mouthful Jungkook managed to say that it was perfect. Ending in two thumbs up, just incase she didn't understand.

As they all ate, they talked about their day, telling Emily anecdotes from their dance practice, by the time she had finished her food, the boys must have had seconds as there was not a morsel left, every single plate was cleared.

The boys all stood up, doing rock, paper, scissors for who washed, dried and cleaned up. Emily wanted to help, but was told to sit in the lounge and find a film for them to watch.

Scrolling through the different films, she found her favourite. Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain although in French it had Korean subtitles, Emily already knew the film by heart. As the boys sat down, she remembered the cheesecake, bolting for the fridge, she came back with plates, forks and a knife to cut it. The boys looked at her and laughed "PD Bang is going to tell us to lose a few kilos if you keep feeding us so well" Namjoon mused playfully.

As they sat and began watching the film, looking between the screen and Emily's wide eyes and mouth, she was entranced, until she realised she had forgotten about a scene, a scene she didn't want to be watching with the seven men, but if she moved they would know she was uncomfortable, so as the bed started squeaking and the moans came from the tv, they all stared at the screen, an uncomfortable silence taking over them until Taehyung broke it

"Is that really how many people are having an orgasm right now?"

Raucous laughter filled the dorms well until the early hours, the film long forgotten, the cheesecake all eaten, and it was time for bed.

This time, Emily decided she wanted Jin to accompany her to bed, to sleep, to cuddle. As she whispered to him, his face blushed, as she then explained what she meant.

The boys all wished her goodnight as they went to their rooms, bemused by her wanting Jin to sleep with her. Hoping they would all get their own chance.

As they entered her room, she turned to face him.

"Did you mean what you said?"

"What I said?..." Jin obviously had no idea.

"When you said that you loved me on the phone?" She grumbled feeling awkward.

"Oh that, yes, I love you, since I first saw you Emily" he cheerfully chirped.

"You did? But I was horrible. So horrible"
Emily look downcast, but as a finger slid beneath her chin making her look into his eyes she couldn't stop herself.

"I love you too Jinnie. I love all of you!" She murmured

"You weren't horrible, you were expressing. You know the past, we do not. You have reasons. I know others feel same, Jagi"


"It means like honey or erm... darling in Korean" he explained

"I like it when you speak to me in Korean"

"You do?" she nodded.

"Shall we?" He held out his hand for her to get into bed.

Getting into bed her stomach hurt, maybe she ate too much food?

Maybe she needed to drink more water?

After quickly drinking a bottle of water, Emily curled into Jin's chest, as they both whispered goodnights and love yous , they fell asleep warm and happy.

Make It Right- A BTS OT7 Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now