125| Two Unexpected Gifts

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"Two months already?" I raised a brow and gazed at Sirius with a grin. "Naughty Padfoot."

"What did I do now?" he questioned dramatically.

"Well, it's impossible for her to conceive by herself." Remus chuckled, making Sirius blush again.

"If you're already two months pregnant, then the baby will be born in September -" I said, calculating by counting my fingers.

"Babies." Sirius corrected, causing me to snap up to him in shock.

"What-" I said incredulously, my mouth gaping open as Ana held up two fingers.

"Twins- oh God!" Remus laughed in disbelief, running a hand through his head and picking up Hope from the couch. "Oh, Sirius!"

"Boy and girl," Ana mumbled sheepishly, flushing pink.

"That's- that's- a lot of work-" I breathed, not noticing that the corners of my lips began to rise before an astonished laugh escaped.

Sitting on our bed, with Remus' diary in my hand, my lips couldn't resist but stretch widely and lovingly as my eyes read each scribble of his handwriting that was etched on the pages.

Father and daughter were sprawled on the floor, playing with her toys. Their laughter and the bright smiles on their faces made me melt in happiness and contentment.

Chuckling to myself, I shifted my attention back to the little notebook that I was holding and flipped over a page. A page from exactly a year ago.

February 10th, 1997

Our little girl arrived twenty minutes past two in the morning, after a nearly difficult labor.
We named her Hope Selene Lupin, after Mum and my darling wife. The fear and pain her mother and I were both feeling vanished into thin air when we heard her first cry for air.

I couldn't help but cry tears of happiness when Selene took her in her arms, reunited at last, after nine long months Hope spent in her womb. She looked exactly like me, and it stunned me completely. I couldn't believe it, no words were sufficient enough to describe it.

I will never forget the moment when I first held her. It felt like I was being hit full force by a brick wall; the shockwaves of love that surged through me were vast, especially when she seemed to have recognized my voice and when she opened her chocolate brown eyes- just like her mother's.

It was the first time in as long as I could remember, that I felt so much love and happiness in my life. No bad thoughts, no melancholy, and not even this war could take this wonderful feeling from me. I would do everything to protect her, I promised myself that no harm will ever happen to her. I marveled at being the father of this little angel that my wife and I so beautifully created.

Oh this, is the happiest day of my life.

My wife and my daughter saved me.

"OK, that's enough playtime, let's get to bed." Remus' voice snapped me out of what I was reading. Hope pouted her lips but was left no choice when her father took her in his arms and carried her to bed.

He set her beside me as I placed the diary back into the drawer and leaned on my side to take a better glance at her.

"How 'bout you and Mummy play all day tomorrow with your new toys from Uncle Freddie and Uncle Georgie? Wouldn't that sound nice, sweetheart?" I asked, and she flashed a smile which I took as a 'yes'.

"What about me?" Remus laughed softly, taking off his jumper and tie as he climbed on the bed and slipped next to Hope and me.

"You get five minutes, I get the whole day," I joked, making him laugh and shake his head.
"Oh come on, we know she's closer to you and spends more time with you than she and I do."

"Well, in a few years, she'll be playing with her twin cousins," he said out of the blue.

I snickered. "It feels weird, doesn't it? Sirius having kids of own?"

"A bit. But I have no doubt he'll be an incredible dad to those two." he then rested his soft hand on my cheek as he pulled me into a kiss. "Which reminds me, happy anniversary. I love you, Mummy."

I smiled against his lips, cheeks turning red when I whispered. "I love you too, Daddy."

He smiled as well, kissing my temple before rubbing his nose against mine, a thing that we always found both loving and comforting.


The two of us turned our heads, eyes shot wide as we looked at Hope in shock, my hand clasped over my mouth.

"W-w-what did you say, sweetheart?" Remus stammered, looking at her speechlessly.


A mesmerized small curled at his lips; he quickly took her in his arms and showered her little face with kisses while she kept repeating her words with giggles.

Her first word.

"See? She's your little girl, no matter what. And you're her Daddy." I huffed, chuckling as Hope's words continued.

"Kiss Daddy, Hope," he said in affection, Hope obliged with a little smile and kissed him, before resting herself against his chest.

"We love you so much, Hope. Don't ever forget that." I whispered, propping my head on Remus' shoulder as we exchanged glances and kissed each other.

My heart was racing at the love I had for the two. I loved them both with all my heart, more than my own life. The three of us lay on the bed, simply happy and grateful in our little bubble.

Can You Love Me Most? | 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘶𝘴 𝘓𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘯Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin