Chapter 58

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Malia's POV

"Mom I told you to call me when you were going to have my baby sister and you didn't, now she is about three years." Micah says dramatically as he holds Kaia in his arms while walking around my room.

"I wanted to but remember like I've told you a thousand times, she came earlier than expected and your sister is a month old, don't be dramatic ." I tell him as I put Kaia's clothes away after folding them.

"Fine." He huffs playfully.

"Did you have to drag Trevor along?"

"He wanted to use the plane so I didn't stop him."

"Oh okay, let's go and I prepare dinner." I tell him and we walk out.

It's been a month since we came from the hospital and Kaia has been doing okay. On the last day I was supposed to be in the hospital, Micah burst through the door and started complaining about how I was mean and didn't tell him when I was having Kaia so I had to explain to him how it went down and he's yet to accept.

"Mummy look what Trevor got me." Kalia says as she runs to me with Killian following behind. She holds out a silver chain that I presume belongs to Trevor.

"That looks nice mamas." I reply as I pick Killian up.

"Mama, hungwy." Killian says making me kiss him.

"My baby is hungry?" I ask him and he nods his head so I kiss his chubby cheeks as we walk into the kitchen.
"Where did the others go?" I ask  as I look back and find that it's only me and Killian in the kitchen. Killian points in the direction of the living room so I put him in his chair by the kitchen counter and I begin to make dinner.

"We are making Korean dishes only?" Graciela asks as she walks in.

"Yeah, I'll make Kai's favorite." I tell her and she smiles.

"Where is the baby?" She asks as I give Killian some grapes to keep him busy.

"Tank you mama." He says and I kiss his cheek.

"You're welcome baby."

"Kaia is with Micah." I reply to Graciela.

When dinner is almost ready, Kai comes into the kitchen with his suit jacket on his shoulder.
"Hey buddy." He kisses Killian's head.

"Daddy!!" He screams as Kai lifts him up from his chair and swings him around as he giggles.

"Be careful babe." I tell him and he stops swinging him putting him back in his seat.

"Again, again daddy." Killian says and Kai whispers something in his ear and he nods his head then goes back to watching his cartoons on his tablet.

"How are you feeling baby?" Kai comes to me and kisses my lips softly then he greets Graciela.

"I feel okay."

"It's all done Graciela, you can leave." I tell her .

"You're sure?"

"Ofcourse." I smile at her and she leaves.

We later have dinner as the kids argue among themselves.
"When are you going back to campus?" I ask Micah who is still holding Kaia as he eats and she tries to reach for the food but he keeps pushing it away from her.

"Wow mom, good to know you don't want me here." He replies making me smile.

"You know I want you here full time but you have to attend all your classes."

"I know mom, we'll be leaving after tomorrow."

"How is college so far Trevor?" Kai asks .

"Haven't met hot girls yet, so not good yet." Trevor replies fist pumping Kai.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now