Chapter 51

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Malia's POV

"Why is your stomach always so big when you get pregnant?" Faris asks making me roll my eyes .

"Are you having twins again?" Ivan asks as he feeds Killian some of his food.

"I already told you dumbasses that I'm having a girl so quit asking me silly questions." I tell them.

After lil man's game, they all came to the hotel but my brothers landed and we decided to go down to eat at the hotel's restaurant.

"But your stomach is so big." Lil man says.

"Because she is eight months pregnant babe, that's how my stomach was too." Autumn tells him.

"That was a good game lil man." Kai says changing the subject.

"It was but you weren't there."

"We watched it on ESPN , it was live you know that." Kai tells him and he nods his head.

"I'm glad that you guys came." Lil man says .

"We had to besides, Micah really wanted to come before he goes to college." I tell him.

"I'm happy for you man, you were just a little dude afew years ago." Lil man says.

"Thanks." Micah replies.

After dinner, I help the kids clean up and they all decide they want to spend the night at lil man and Autumn's place so I don't stop them.
I walk to Micah's room and he shouts.
"Mom! I could have been naked." He says while putting on his pants since I found him in his briefs.

"Boy, I've seen everything you're hiding, I'm your mom."

"That doesn't mean you can't knock."

"Micah, I've seen you naked before so quit whining." I tell him.

"What do you want mama?" He asks with an attitude and I give him a pointing look and he murmurs a sorry.

"Anyway, I want you to look out for your siblings when you go , don't let them wonder around."

"Okay mom." He says then I leave the room.

I find the guys in the living room then sit on Kai's lap.
"Aren't you heavy on his laps?" Faris asks making me frown.

"He made me pregnant so even if I'm heavy, I'm sure he can handle, right babe?" I turn to look at Kai. He puts his arms around my stomach rubbing it.

"That's right." He says then pecks my lips making my brothers fake gag.

"Oh please, y'all need to get used to this." I tell them.

"There is no way I can get used to knowing what my sister and Kai do in their bedroom." Lil man says .

"And the beach, balcony, kitchen, I can go on." I tell him and he makes a disgusting face.

"Oh my god, babe get up, they probably had sex on this couch, we are leaving ." Lil man says while getting up and that's when Kalia and Kailyn come with their bags.

"You all ready to go?" Kai asks them as they walk to where we are and they both sit on Kai's other lap.

"We are." Kalia replies.

"If this is what having girls looks like, I don't want any more girls." Ivan says as the girls talk to their dad.

"This is how I treat my princesses and Queen." Kai says .

"Period!" Kailyn shouts making Ivan shake his head.

Kaiden and Micah later come to the living room .
"Is Killian coming along?" Micah asks while holding him.

"I don't think he will be okay if I'm not with him." I tell him.

"Mom and dad are flying in tonight so they'll be staying at mines so it'll be better if he comes with us." Lil man says.

"Okay then, let him go with you." I tell him. Kai and I kiss the kids and we bid my brothers goodbye and Autumn but the moment they step out, Killian let's out a scream and I open the door. He reaches out for me to hold him and Mach doesn't hesitate to give him to me probably irritated by his sudden scream.

"We'll bring him tomorrow." Kai says and they leave.

"Hey baby, I'm here." I try to soothe him by shaking him lightly.

"Mama?" He says in his baby voice while looking at me with his lips pouting and tears in his eyes.

"It's okay baby." I rub his back and he puts his face in my chest. Kai kisses his cheek.

"He's falling asleep, take him to his room." Kai says and I nod my head then walk to his room. I try to put him on his bed but he grips my dress not wanting to let go.

"Mama," he says then I sit on his bed and put him on my laps.

"You don't want to go to bed yet?" I ask him.

"No." He replies then begins to open my dress. He touches my breast and tries to pull it out.

"You out grew breast milk baby." I tell him while pulling his tiny hand away. He begins to whine but I give him a pointing look and he hides his face in my chest.

"Mama bad." He says while touching my stomach making the baby kick a little bit and he looks at me with a shocked face. "Mama hwurt?"

"No baby, that's your baby sister in there." I tell him and he looks back at the stomach then kisses it making me smile.
"Now will you go to sleep, tomorrow we'll go see grandma and grandpa." I tell him and he nods his head yes letting out a small yawn.

He later falls asleep so I put him in bed then walk to our room where I find Kai typing something on his laptop on the bed with just his sweatpants on.

"He finally slept?" He asks without looking up.

"He did, he just needed a little mama loving." I reply then get my dress off and put on Kai's sweater shirt then join him in bed.
"What are you doing?" I ask him as I put my braids in a bun then cover it with my bonnet.

"Just replying to these emails ." He says then continues typing. I scoot next to him and use my fingers to trace the tattoos he has. He closes his laptop and puts it on the nightstand then looks at me .

"What?" I ask him and he holds my hand kissing my fingers.

"Nothing, you're just so beautiful." He says then pulls the shirt I have on up exposing my stomach. He rubs it slowly then kisses it. "Is she stable now? No more contractions?"

"She kicked a little bit when Killian touched my stomach." I tell him. He looks at me then pulls me into a slow passionate kiss making me smile.

"I love you." He says while looking at me.

"I love you too."

"Let's get some sleep, I'm sure you're exhausted."

"I am." I tell him then rest my head on his chest.


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