Chapter 49

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Malia's POV

I'm now twenty nine weeks long and after our small vacation, I realized we just needed to have some alone time and I don't think I'd ever want to be separated from Kai. The kids are having their holidays so we are going to see lil man's game tomorrow in Cleveland since we promised to go watch it. Then we have to come back in time for Micah's graduation.

We had Kai's birthday party and we found out I'm having a girl. The kids were all happy and Kai was the happiest because he told me he really wanted another girl. I was happy because our baby is okay.

"Hey mom." Micah enters my room and sits beside me on the bed where I'm holding Killian trying to put him to sleep.

"Hey baby, you need something?"

"Yeah actually, the twins and Kailyn wanted to go shopping for their new shoes so can I have your card?"

"Why don't they use their own money?"

"Oh yeah, now that you mention it, i'ma make them use their own." He says while smirking.

"I'm kidding, here." I give him the card. "So you chose a college yet?"

"I did, i decided on LSU."

"All the way in Louisiana?"

"Yeah, do you think I made the right choice?"

"Ofcourse baby you chose what you wanted and I'm proud of you, come here." I tell him and he extends next to me and I kiss his cheek.

"So mom, I wanted to ask you...I wanted to ask if I could work with dad when I graduate." He tells me and looks at me then begins to scratch the back of his neck.

"Micah, I've always told you that I don't feel safe when you join your dad, I know you'd want to join, but I don't feel comfortable with that but I know I'm not going to stop you but promise me you're going to get that degree first?"

"I promise mom."

"Okay then, so they recruited you on the college basketball team?"

"Ofcourse they did mom, you know I'm the best." He says making me smile. My boy is all grown up.
"And mom, there is this girl I like." He says then a blush appears on his cheek making me smile.

"Is it Eileen?" I ask him lowly since Killain is now asleep.

"Yeah, I like her a lot."

"Is she going to the same university as you?"

"She is and I kind of gave her a promise ring."

"A promise ring?"

"I want to marry her." He says then my eyes widen. I put Kaiden to sleep on the bed then turn back to Micah.

"Baby you're eighteen, you don't know what marriage is."

"I know mom, that's why I gave her a promise ring, it's not an engagement ring."

"I just want you to be sure about what you want, I don't want you to get hurt okay?"

"Okay mom, I just want to have what you and dad have."

"And you will , but don't get hurt baby, I love you and I don't want to see you getting hurt because of something you should have avoided."

"I understand mom and when are you giving birth again?" He asks then rubs my stomach.

"In about five weeks or so."

"No, I have to be here when she is born."

"You have college Micah."

"And dad has a plane so I can come whenever."

"Fine, go shop, we need to prepare."

"Okay , love you mom." He kisses my cheek then gets up.

"Love you too baby, can you take Killian for me to his room?."

"Sure no problem." He says then picks his brother up then walks out of the room.

"Mama?" Kaiden walks in just as Micah walks out.

"Micah took the card." I tell him and he smiles.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome baby, where is Kalia and Kailyn?"

"They're downstairs with dad, he just came back."

"Okay thank you, Micah is going to drive you all to the store then you'll get whatever you want."

"Alright thanks mama, love you." He says then runs out very quickly.

I walk to the closet and arrange my clothes then I hear the bedroom door open .

"Stop being fucking loud Kai." I speak up just enough for him to hear me.

"Sorry, I met Kaiden and he told me you were in the bedroom and when I came in, you weren't there so I called."

"That's okay, how was work?" I ask him as he walks to me.

"It was its normal self, I missed you." He puts his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck.

"I missed you too." I lean up and kiss him then begin to loosen his tie.

"The kids going shopping again?" He asks and I nod my head. "And you say I spoil them."

"They need new shoes , I can't just give them money just like that."

"Okay then, so since the kids are out..." he says then takes his shirt off.

"We aren't doing anything." I tell him then walk to the bedroom.

"Come on baby, I'm your husband and I'm from work."

"I'm your wife who is eight months pregnant and my feet are hurting." I tell him while sitting on the bed.

"Understandable, here." He pulls out a chocolate bar from his pant pockets making me frown.

"Why do you have a chocolate bar in your pocket?" I ask him while taking it and opening it and taking a bite and that's when I know I was craving for it.

"I just thought you'd crave it so I bought it."

"Aw, you sensed my craving thank you babe."

"You're welcome and are you feeling backache?" He asks while sitting next to me then lifts my legs and puts them on his lap and begins to massage my feet.

"Slightly, not like last night, you know my contractions happen at night mostly."

"I know, you ate yet?" He asks and I nod my head.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay to travel when you're heavily pregnant?"

"I'll be okay, I promised lil man I'll be around."

"Are you sure baby?"

"I am Kai, don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time."

"Okay, I just don't want you to have any complications."

"I know." I reply and rub my stomach. "Micah told me he wants to join you in the business."

"We talked about it and I told him to ask you."

"I don't think I'm going to convince him not to, he really wants to."

"He does." He says then puts my feet away then he lays next to me. He lifts my shirt up and kisses my stomach then the baby kicks.
"Hey babygirl, it's daddy ,I hope you're being good to mummy." He says then rubs the stomach .
"Her foot is here." Kai says then traces the tiny foot on the stomach.

"It started showing this morning when you left."


In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن