Chapter 16

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Micah's POV

"Your parents they're...." Eileen trials off and I know what exactly she wants to say.

"Loud?" I complete for her and she nods her head.

"It's cute though, there love life I mean, it's cute." She says.

"Yeah I guess, my dad has always loved mom no matter what, I remember when I was young, they had this huge argument that was before they got married, I thought I'd never see dad again and mom thought I didn't hear her cry in the night. They later got back together. So I guess their love life is what you just said."

"Cute?" She questions jokingly and I roll my eyes.

"But it's isn't cute when I get to hear them go at it, it's fucking disgusting and mom is so loud." I grimace and the image of mom and dad.

"It's not disgusting." Eileen says while resting her head on my chest. We are in my room just talking. She always gets up in the middle of the night with no sleep so she comes to me and we talk throughout the night then she gets back to her room before everybody wakes up.

"Are your parents alright?" I ask her as I brush the hair that is falling out of her bonnet aside . I've known everything about women especially black women's hair since I practically grew up with mom who is my best friend and she makes sure she tells me everything or made sure I know everything.

"They are, I talked to mom yesterday, she said they were alright, she also talked to your mom."

"I know mom is going to do everything she can to help them come back."

"I hope so." She replies and we remain silent. My phone goes off and I pick it up checking the caller ID and It's Martha . Eileen gets off my chest and she sits up.

"You going to answer that?" She says and I look at the phone that's still ringing. I've told Martha about the time difference between me and her but she clearly doesn't keep that in mind.

"Where are you going?" I ask her and my phone stops ringing.

"To my room, I don't want Kalia waking up when I'm not there." She says as she walks out. I stare at her retreating figure and sigh loudly.
My phone goes off again and I groan at how loud the damn gadget is sounding.

"What?" I accept the call knowing its obviously Martha.

"Nah nigga, you don't answer my phone call like that, do you know how much energy I've put in to just search for your number in my contacts and call you?" Trevor says dramatically.

"Sorry dude I thought it was someone else." I sigh and he chuckles.


"That's right."

"Want me to take care of her?" He questions.

"Nah I got it, what's up , why did you call me this late in the night?"

"Oh my bad, I always forget you're in a different time zone but oh well, since I've called you have no choice but to listen to me." He says cockily.

"If you don't give me a reason as to why you called, I'm hanging up ."

"Alright fine, I just wanted to ask how is Vienna? Met some hot chicks?"

"Vienna is Aight and no, I haven't met any hot chicks."

"Man, anyway I know why you haven't met any." He says and I imagine the smirk on his face.

"Tell me Mr. I-know-everything- about-Micah." I tell him jokingly and hear him suck his teeth.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now