Chapter 23

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Malia's POV

"Mama you're so mean." Kailyn mumbles as she walks past me back up to her room.

"Why is she mad?" Kai comes to the kitchen holding Killian to his chest as I make breakfast for everyone since Graciela isn't around and I want the kids to sleep in.

"She wanted to have ice cream for breakfast but I'm not having any of that." I reply and turn to look at him. Something about Kai in just sweatpants always has me want to fuck him. He looks sexy and adding his messed up bed hair not forgetting his morning voice.

"Why can't you just let her have it, there is plenty." He says while coming to my side.

"Nah, no kid of mine will get up in the morning and eat ice cream for breakfast." I reply and he shakes his head.

"Mama." Killian says and I smile at him as he reaches out for me to hold him . I take him out of Kai's hold as he completes making breakfast.

"Morning baby." He kisses my lips and I reply.

"How did you sleep my baby? You slept good?" I ask Killian while I kiss his cheek and he smiles wildly at me. He begins to talk in his baby language and that's when the kids begin to come downstairs.

"Morning mama, I'm hungry." Kalia says while yawning. "Morning daddy." She says as she takes a seat at the kitchen counter.

"Morning mamas, go wash your hands and daddy will give you your breakfast." I tell her and she walks to the wash basin.

"Here you go princess." Kai kisses her head and he gives her , her food.

"Daddy you're hurt." She says worriedly and touches his head.

"No princess I'm fine."

"But that is a wound ." She says worriedly again.

"It is but the doctor checked me out and said I'm okay so I'm fine." He tells her and she doesn't seem convinced but she leaves it.

Micah and Eileen walk into the kitchen and they greet me as Micah takes Killian in his arms. Kailyn and Kaiden later come into the kitchen and we all have a lazy breakfast in the kitchen since none of us was willing to walk to the dining room.

"Dad, what happened to your head?" Micah asks.

"We had a little accident yesterday."

"Accident? As in home accident I-hit-my-head or car accident?"

"The latter." Kai replies making his eyes widen.

"You had an accident and didn't tell me, mom are you okay?" He asks me and all the kids turn to look at me.

"I'm fine Micah, I didn't get any scratches and your dad is fine, we parked on the road side so the impact wasn't bad."

"Was it a drunkard that hit you?" Micah asks again and I look at Kai waiting for him to answer.

"No, I think the driver lost his balance." Kai replies making Micah look between me and Kai frowning his eyebrows and then goes back to eating.

"Vanni and Ben are taking y'all to go shopping, you have school in a week." I tell the kids and I here groans and mumbling.

"Do I really have to go to school?" Kaiden asks and I look at him wondering if he is serious or not but his face is telling me he is serious.

"If you don't go to school, you won't be like me Junior, so you have to go to school even if you hate it." Kai tells him and he shrugs.

"And Eileen, you don't have to worry about anything for school, Kai and I decided we are going to take care of you until your parents come back." I tell her and I can tell she is about to cry.

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