Chapter 50

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Malia's POV

"Mama, there is uncle Marvin." Kaiden says as we take our assigned seats at the basketball court bleachers . Lil man is with his team mates making free throws before the game. I notice Autumn seated with their daughter and son afew seats away from us and they are yet to notice us.

"I see him, come sit here." I tell him and he comes then sits next to me as Micah takes the other one on my side . Kai sits next to Micah holding Killian then Kalia and Kailyn take their seats next to Kai.

"Malia!" I hear Autumn shout my name so I turn to look in her direction and wave at her. The commentator begins to introduce the players as the game begins and I see lil man looking up to where we are so I wave at him and so do the kids. He grins then their game begins.

After the first quarter, my back begins to ache so much that the seat becomes uncomfortable.

"You okay mom?" Micah asks making Killian reach out for me so I hold him.

"No, my back is beginning to ache a lot." I reply.
"Im going to head out with your dad, we'll be in the car, these seats are super uncomfortable."

"Okay mom, you need help with Killian?"

"No baby it's okay." I tell him then get up. I tell the kids to stay with Micah and Vanni .

"Let me hold him." Kai takes Killian in his arms as he uses the other one to hold my waist then we head out.
We get to the car and Kai puts Killian in his car seat then helps me in the car.
"We should head back to the hotel." He says then gets into the car.

"I need to see lil man when his game ends."

"You will, I texted Autumn telling her to meet us there since you're not feeling good." He tells me then begins the car and I feel another sharp pain in my back making me flinch .
"You alright, do we need to go to the hospital?" Kai asks as he leans over and rubs my stomach as we drive off.

"I'm okay just slight contractions, I think she is turning or something."

"Let's go check it out." He says then begins the car and I feel another sharp pain in my back making me hiss. Kai holds my hand as the other is on the steering wheel. "Do you think she is coming now?" He asks.

"No, she is supposed to come in the next five weeks and my water hasn't broken."

"Alright then." He says then kisses my hand. He gets to the hospital and the doctor begins to check me out.

"Is the baby okay?" Kai asks her as he holds Killian in his arms while the other hand holds mine.

"The baby is fine, the contractions are normal since the baby is getting ready for when mummy will be giving birth."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, you have a lovely little family." She says while looking at Kai and Killain.

"We do, and our family isn't little, we have five children, this is our sixth born." Kai says proudly.

"Wow, you don't look like you had six children and most women that come in here are always alone and the children's fathers are never around." The doctor says.

"She's my wife , I can't let her do anything on her own." Kai says while looking at me.

"Keep that up, I'll be giving you some tablets to help reduce the pain, excuse me." She says then leaves the room.

"We should get back to the hotel and you rest then we can go to lil man's house later after his game or they can come to the hotel." Kai says then helps me off the bed and Killian reaches out for me.

"Mama, i hungwy." He says making me smile. He has started talking a little bit and I'm proud of that.

"Well, let's go and get you and mama something to eat, does that sound good?" Kai asks him and he nods his head . I get up and put him down and we walk out after the doctor prescribes my medicine.
"What do you want to eat baby?" Kai asks as we get to the hotel.

"Candy!" Killian exclaims .

"You can have candy after food." I tell him and he pouts. "No, no pouting this evening, we are going to eat food then I'll give you candy."I tell him and he smiles. Killian is a replica of Kai, everything he does mirrors Kai and now that he is growing up, he is looking exactly like Kai just a little bit darker.

We get to the penthouse Kai booked and I immediately take my shoes off. "Babe, get anything,  I'll eat anything as long as it's not beef." I tell Kai as I take a seat on the couch and Killian sits on my laps.

"Okay, I'll order room service." He says and I nod my head.

"Mama, I want cartoon." Killian tells me so I get the remote and put some cartoons for him.

"Sit here baby, let me go change." I put Killian on the other side of the couch and walk to the bedroom. I find Kai on a phone call and he turns to look at me.
I walk to him and sit next to him on the bed and rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses my head then ends the call.

"I ordered food for all of us, even for the kids and lil man plus Autumn and everyone ."

"That's okay, thank you." I turn to look at him.

"No problem, is the little guy alright?"

"He is, and do you notice how he does everything you do, it's like he is you in a younger form." I tell Kai as I get up and take my dress off.

"I know, he does the little thing where he tilts his head when he is curious and that's the same thing I do." He says while looking at my body.

"You're right, and here I thought Kaiden would look like you but he took up all mama's looks." I tell him as I get another dress and put it on. He gets up and walks to me.

"He did and the girls too, they look exactly like you, it's weird sometimes, Kalia acts like you, she even speaks like you, you both dress the same sometimes, Kailyn looks like you but acts like Micah." He says then moves to me and rubs my stomach.

"She and Micah are best friends though she was best friends with Kalia when she was still a baby."

"They grew apart." He says then kisses my lips.

"But they all have a bond, you know how they all gather up in Micah's room on Saturday night and i don't know what they be doing but it's cute how they all get together and bond, they are all close, Micah,  Kalia, Kaiden, Kailyn and Killian. We have lovely babies." I tell him.

"We do, I can't wait to meet our baby girl."

"I can't wait too, we should get back to Killian and I think the food is almost here." I tell him and he holds my waist then we get back to the living room.


In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ