Chapter 15

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Malia's POV

After Kai and I's dinner date , we went back home and I couldn't be any happier about how sweet he was. Although he bought the kids all that chocolate and I got mad, I couldn't stay mad because that's Kai, he loves it when his kids get whatever they ask for even if it's useless.

We get back home and find the house quiet meaning the kids are in bed.
"I'll check if the doors are closed." Kai kisses my cheek and walks towards the kitchen as I check on my babies. I find Kailyn, Kalia and Eileen asleep in Eileen's bed , I smile at the state they are in meaning they were watching something on the television and fell asleep. I walk to Kaiden's room and he isn't there.

I begin to panic and run to one of the guest rooms but find it empty . I check Micah's room and find him asleep with Killian on his chest and a small blanket covering them while they snore. I pick Killian up slowly not to wake the both of them up.
I walk to Killian's room and place him in his bed.

"Kai!" I call out for him after leaving Killian in bed and I start to feel unsettled.

"Kai!" I call him again as I run downstairs. I meet him half way on the stairs and he holds me while I rush past him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asks following behind me.

"Kaiden, my baby isn't in his room." I begin to tear up and pull away from him. I walk into the kitchen and he isn't there.

"Baby, you need to calm down , Kaiden is asleep I'm sure." Kai comes to me and I look up at him.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down, my baby is missing, oh my god I don't want to believe he has been taken away." I feel tears run down my cheeks. Kai holds my waist.

"Let's go ask Vanni if he has seen him, I'm sure he is somewhere in this house." Kai says as he lets me go.
We walk out of the front door and find Vanni standing there.

"Have you seen Kaiden?" Kai asks him .

"They are all in the house." Vanni answers looking confused. "Is everything alright?"

"No, Vanni my baby is missing." I cry out and walk back into the house.

I walk to the backyard and try calling his name but I get no response. I know my baby is safe, I know he is safe.
"Baby." Kai comes walking to me with Vanni following behind him and some other man and they walk down to the beach.

"Kai, tell me my baby is safe." I hold onto his shirt and bury my face in chest. He rubs my back soothingly.

"I'm sure Kaiden is safe, the men told me they haven't seen anything suspicious happening around ."

"What if someone wants to get to you so they decided to take him? I knew this life wasn't good for the kids."

"What are you talking about? You think I don't know that this life is a risk to them?" He pulls away from me and runs his hand through his hair frustrated.

"If it wasn't for you being the mafia boss my baby would be here and I wouldn't be worried." I snap at him and I immediately regret the action. A sad look settles on his face but it turns into an angry one.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I know this life isn't all that good and I'm sure that you see how I make it a point for the kids to have extra security and always be protected so you have no right to say that to me, I didn't choose to be in this life, I had to be in it." He snaps back.

"You had a choice Kai, you would have put the mafia business behind you but you didn't."

"Oh so now this is how it is?" He says angrily.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now