Chapter 52

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Kai's POV

"Let me take you out on a date today." I tell my wife as she makes breakfast for us while I feed Killian his fruits.


"No, dinner, we haven't been on a date for sometime."

"I'm cool with that." She replies then serves our plates.

"Alright, we'll go see your parents then later, I'll take you to dinner."

"Dinner?" Killian says and turns to look at me with a small frown.

"Yes dinner, I'm taking your mom out on a dinner date. That's what gentlemen do for the ladies they love, when you grow up, you'll be taking someone you like out on a date." I tell him but he looks at me confused .

"He is two years, he obviously didn't understand anything you just said." Malia says as we begin to eat. "Babe, I don't think I can go out, I'm fat." She says then pouts.

"What?! No you're not fat , you're pregnant baby." I frown and look at her. I get up and put Killian in his high chair then give him his food. I walk to where Malia is and I kiss her.

"What was that for?" She asks as I hold her face in my hands. She is a very beautiful woman, she doesn't even accept that.

"To let you know that you're beautiful, my very beautiful wife . You aren't fat baby, you just have alittle baby weight that is to accomodate our baby to grow and come out healthy. So don't you ever think that you're fat okay?"


"Now eat up and let's go to lil man's house." I tell her and she smiles.

We eat breakfast while Killian talks about something I don't understand and Malia is responding to him.

"You got everything?" I ask Malia as we leave the house with Killian laying on my chest.

"I do." She replies then let's out a heavy breath then touches her stomach.

"You alright?, we can get back inside, you don't have to move." I tell her worriedly.

"I'm okay babe, she just kicked." She says then tries to steady her breathing.

"Okay, come here." I tell her and hold her waist then we get into the elevator where we find an old couple.

"He is such a sweet guy, where did you get him from?" The old lady asks Malia and they begin to have a conversation.

"Women." The old man says and I just nod my head.

We later get off then head to where Vanni is and we set off to lil man's house.

"Do you know that they also met in college, they have eight kids babe." Malia tells me.


"The couple we just met in the elevator."

"Oh that."

"You didn't even listen to what the man was telling you Kai." She tells me while pouting childishly making me chuckle.

"I had to pay attention to my very pregnant wife." I tell her truthfully because all I was thinking about was how Malia was feeling since the baby had kicked and that is rare since she always kicks in the night and evening.

"What really?" She asks then looks at me surprised.

"Ofcourse baby you're my number one priority."

"Aw i love you babe." She sniffles then tears begin to leave her eyes.

"No, no crying baby." I pull her to me and kiss her lips.

"Mama cry?" Killian asks.

"No baby, I'm not crying I'm just happy." Malia says.

We get to lil man's house and find the kids in the living room with Malia's mom and dad.

"Daddy!" Kalia screams then runs to me so I put Killian down then hug her.

"Morning princess."

"Morning daddy, grandma bought me a cute blue bag."

"That's so nice."

"Hey son." Malia's dad says so I walk to him and greet him.

"You're so pregnant." Malia's mom says as she pulls her into a hug and they begin to talk.

"Taking care of my daughter?" Her dad says and I nod my head yes while looking at my wife.
"As long as you keep her happy, I know you love her." He adds.

"With all my life." I reply and that's when Ivan, lil man and Faris come to join us so we step out in the backyard.

They begin to talk amongst themselves and I just zone out thinking about Malia.

"Bro, you alright?" Ivan asks.

"Not really, I need to check on Malia."

"You've been worried the whole time you got here, is everything alright?" Lil man asks .

"She had a contraction today morning and the baby always kicks at night so I'm worried about that."

"Did she say it hit her hard?" Her dad asks.

"She didn't but I know it did and she hid the pain." I tell them.

"Go check on her , take her out too." Faris says and I immediately get up and head to the house. I find Malia in the kitchen bent over the counter as her mom rubs her back gently so I run to her and hold her.

"Baby, you alright?" I ask her.

"A contraction just hit her." Autumn says .

"Come take a sit." I hold her waist and walk to the living room then set her down.
"Im always telling you not to be hard on yourself, the doctor said you don't need stress and I'm always telling you to do simpler tasks but you don't listen." I tell her a bit frustrated because I'm so worried about her.

"Don't be angry." She says in a shaky voice then begins to cry. I know it's the hormones.

"I'm not angry , alittle disappointed yes, but I'm not angry."

"But you look angry." She says as I dry her tears.

"Im not, come here." I pull her to me and kiss her lips softly and she puts her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry." She says then sniffles.

"It's all good baby, I just want you to go easy on yourself, I don't want you to have any complications when you're going to have our baby. I worry about you too much." I kiss the top of her head.

"I know, I love you." She says quietly.

"I love you baby, Wanna go to the hotel then change then we can go for the date later ?" I ask her.


"Alright, let's tell the kids." I get up and help her up making her roll her eyes.

"I'm pregnant not disabled." She says.

"I know that but I don't want to risk anything, the baby always kicks at night and I'm worried about her kicking at this time."

"Mama you're leaving? Can we stay?" Kalia comes to us and asks her mother.

"Ofcourse, me and your daddy are just going back to the penthouse." Malia tells her.

"And I'm taking her on a date." I tell Kalia and she smiles widely.

"Have fun mommy." She hugs Malia .

We tell the rest of the family that we are leaving then head back to the hotel.

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