Chapter 31

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Malia's POV

"Oh hey Vanni, you never call unless you're asking me which food to get me." I joke while helping the girls get there things ready for school since summer is over.

"Yeah, I know but I need to tell you something and promise me you're going to remain strong after I tell you this."

"You're scaring me now , tell me." I reply and the line goes silent.

"Boss has been arrested."


"The boss has been arrested and ...."

"I heard you the first time." I reply as I get out of Kailyn's room.

"Malia, you still there?" Vanni asks.

"I am, why did they arrest him, where has he been taken?"

"They said murder and some other crimes and I'll text you where they've taken him, but I think you shouldn't go there, boss wouldn't want that ."

"Vanni that's my husband, I have to be there, I need to get him out, maybe I can be his lawyer too." I tell Vanni while getting into my room and grabbing my purse.

"You don't have to, boss has his lawyers already working on everything."

"Okay, I'm going to go see him."

"Okay, I'm almost there." He says then disconnects the call. That is when it hit me, Kai has been arrested, my husband has been arrested . I never thought this day would ever come , I never thought my husband would be arrested. I feel tears rolling down my face and I dry them off completely.

I head downstairs and find Micah with Eileen in the kitchen. The house is now kind of empty because all our friends left.
"I'm heading out , take care of your sisters and brothers.." I tell Micah.

"You're heading out again?" He asks me.

"I am, I need to....I need um... I need to take care of something."

"Is everything alright mom?" Micah walks to where I am.

"It will be." I tell him and try to keep my voice in check.

"So does that mean I can go for a party later tonight, with Eileen."

"Micah I don't know, I need to take care of something then, I'll see if y'all can go." I kiss his cheek then wave at Eileen and walk out of the house. Vanni drivers through the gate and I get into the car then he turns back as we head out.

"When was he taken?" I ask Vanni as I try to prevent myself from crying.

"He had told me to get the car around since he was returning home then I saw the cops' cars around his building so I went to tell him but no sooner had I stepped into his office than the cops got in and arrested him, I want to assure you Malia that he is going to be released before you know it." Vanni tell me and I smile at the last sentence.

"All I need is to see him right now, do you think they are going to make him suffer , torture him?"

"Boss can't be touched in there, almost all the people there work for him." Vanni tells me. Now why I'm I not surprised.

"Then how come they arrested him?"

"That's what they are trying to find out, here we are." He says and I look at our surroundings. The precinct , I've never thought I'd ever be here, and seeing my husband locked up.

Vanni gets out and helps me inside. We walk to the reception or whatever they call it.
"Can I help you?" A police officer at the desk asks.

"Yeah , we are here to see Mr.Chan." Vanni says casually like he has been doing this all the time. The police officer did a double look at  Vanni and you could see the fear in his eyes.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now