Chapter 5

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Malia's POV

"Hey girl." Albie walks into my office with a huge shirt and skirt making her look extra pregnant.

"You're supposed to be in bed resting that's what a maternity leave is meant for."

"RJ is giving me a headache , he wants me to hold him all the damn time." She replies while kissing her teeth as she sits on the couch in the corner of the office.

"He is an active seven year old, giving headaches is what they do best." I reply while stretching.

"I know, but I came to see you,how are you doing?" She asks while taking her shoes off and laying in the couch.

"I'm good, can't wait to have my vacation."

"Your sure you okay?" She asks and I look at her frowning.

"I've just told you I'm okay why wouldn't I be?"

"Have you seen the tabloids or maybe the media?" She asks and I nod my head no.


"I'ma just need to show you ,as my friend I need to show you." She says as she gets up and walks to me.
"Here." She unlocks her phone and shows me a certain blog that has a picture of Kai and a woman I've never seen before. She has black hair with a petite body, more like that of a model, her skin is olive with a perfect tan. Kai has his hand around her waist and they look like they are getting into a restaurant. The top says Mr.Chan and his wife.

"Oh my god." I can't stop the tears coming out of my eyes. "Who is she?"

"I don't know, but I promise we are going to get that bitch."

"This explains it."

"Explains what?" She asks .

"For the last three months, he stopped being affectionate like he used to be, he started coming home late , no longer has dinner with us , I thought maybe it's work making him do all that but I guess not." I explain and she looks at me sympathetically.

"Why didn't you tell me ?"

"I thought he was busy with work."

"Aw I'm sorry girl, come here." She pulls me into a hug .

"You think he is cheating on me?" I asks through sniffs .

"I don't know , you gotta ask him that yourself."

After Albie helps me calm down, we head out and Vanni drives me home . I don't pick up the kids since Micah will be driving them home.
"Hello Graciela." I greet Graciela while picking Killian up and kissing his cheek.

"Are you alright mija?"

"Yeah I'm okay." I lie and walk to my bedroom. I change into comfortable clothes and begin to play with Killian in the kids play area.

"Mama." He says in his baby voice and I look at him.

"You finally said mama." I kiss his cheek and put him in my laps and he begins to laugh while pulling at my braids.

"Mom." Micah's voice sounds from the door way and I hear the kids voices following behind.

"In here." I reply and that's when he comes into the play area holding grocery bags.

"I bought everything you asked me for and the twins used the rest of the money to buy candy." He says while putting the bags on the kitchen counter.

"That's alright thank you Micah."

"You're welcome and why is this little guy overly excited?" He asks while picking Killian from my laps and I get up.

"Mama!" Kaiden and Kalia both run to me hugging me. I kiss both their heads.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now