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Malia's POV

"Mommy can I have some cupcakes?" Kaia asks while pointing to the cupcakes that I'm frosting for dessert after dinner.

"It's for dessert baby." I tell her and she pouts then walks away.

"Just said hi to Kaia and she rolled her eyes then ignored me." Kai says as he kisses my cheek then walks to the fridge.

"Well, I refused to give her a cupcake so she's angry." I reply.

"Mommy, do you know where my green sweater is?" Killian walks into the kitchen and looks at me.

"Check the laundry room."

"Aight." He replies then walks away.

"I'll be in the office." Kai says and he kisses my lips then walks away.

It's been five years since Micah went to college and completed his education and he is now working with his dad which I was against but that's what he wanted. Kaia turned five years last week and she's now the most sassy girl I've ever met but I love her regardless. The twins are now in college and they turned twenty in August and they decided to go to the same college, they've always wanted to do everything together even if they hated to admit that they love each other.

Kailyn is fourteen years and she's in the ninth grade absolutely beautiful and outgoing then Killian is eight years , in the third grade and they're all in the same private school Kai choose for Micah when he was beginning school.

"You need help?" Kai asks .

"No, I'm finished with everything." I reply.

It's Christmas Eve and we are having our family dinner like we always do each year. We had dinner with our friends and our other family in Korea last week so this dinner is for just our little family so I opted for Korean dishes since the kids love them so much. All the kids speak Korean and Italian since Kai made it a mission for them to know the languages.

"Dinner is ready? I'm starving." Kalia walks into the kitchen wearing a sweater and black leggings. She's grown so much, she looks exactly like me when I was twenty but a lighter version and her hair is very curly and brown and her eyes being grey makes her more beautiful.

"It is, help me take it to the dining room." I tell her and we begin to take the food the the table.

"Can I help?" Eileen asks as she joins us in the kitchen.

"Ofcourse." Kalia replies and we all take the food to the dining table.

"Where is Micah?" I ask her.

"He left me in the bedroom saying he needed to speak with Mr.Chan." She replies.

After setting the table, the kids all gather in our large dining room and we begin to eat the dinner.

"Mom, you make the best Korean food."
Micah says with his mouth full.

"Thank you and cover your mouth." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm twenty four." He mumbles under his breathe.

"And I can still bend you on my knee and beat sense into you." I reply making Eileen chuckle.

"Finally." Kaia says as she grabs the cupcakes for dessert.

"Eileen and I have something to share with you." Micah says and holds Eileen's hand. They both started dating sophomore year at college and I think they make a beautiful couple.  They recently moved in together in an apartment or more so a penthouse and Micah mentioned to me that he is building a house for the both of them. He's definitely his father's son.
We all look at them and wait for either of them to speak.

"We're getting married." Kai says and Kalia gasps.

"I knew that ring wasn't for show." She says referring to the ring I didn't even notice.

"Wow, congratulations baby." I beam at him knowing I've raised a gentleman.

"Thank you mum."

Everyone congratulates them and we finish up dinner.
"You're doing the dishes with Kailyn." I tell Kaiden.

"Oh come on man, I'm too old to be doing the dishes." Kaiden says.

"And I'll be taking that phone away if  you don't." I tell him and he groans.

"You can't do that, I'm twenty." He says as he gets up.

"And whose house do you live in?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes walking away.

"Can I talk to you mum?" Micah walks to me .

"Ofcourse baby." I reply and we walk to the backyard.

"I wanted to ask you if you're happy for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I asked Eileen to marry me yesterday ."

"Ofcourse I'm happy for you baby, you're my first born and you're engaged now . Im definitely happy." I tell him and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you mama." He says and kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome, what will I be hearing next, that you're having a baby?" I ask playfully and he chuckles.

"I don't think I'm ready for a baby right now mum, I don't think Eileen is ready either." He says and I nod my head understanding.

"I get it , but I'm proud of what you've become, you're a grown man now, I love you."

"Love you too mama."

We get back into the house and Kai holds my hand and we head upstairs.
"Mum, can I borrow your laptop?" Kailyn asks as she meets us going up the stairs.

"What's wrong with yours?" Kai asks her .

"It... it's recovering for a bit." She says and I can tell she's lying.

"What happened to your laptop?" Is ask her and she sighs.

"Water poured into it and it's not working anymore." She pouts .

"It's in the family room, you know the password and don't you dare delete any of my documents." I tell her and she grins.

"Thank you mum." She says and runs down the stairs.

Kai walks us to the bedroom and locks the door, pushing me against it and he kisses me passionately.
I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

"I love you."  He says and pecks my lips twice.

"I love you too." I reply and he walks us to the bed. He takes his clothes off and mine too.

"In this forever?"

"In this forever." I reply and he kisses my lips again and thrusts into me.



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