Chapter 7

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Malia's POV

He hasn't come back yet. He has missed dinner again. At this point I'm tired and fade up with Kai's excuses of saying he has work and can't come home early. I'm done. First I get a random number sends me pictures of Kai and the same woman from before but this time they looked really close, second, Kai receives random phone calls in the middle of the night and I pretend to be asleep but I'm always awake. Im done with all that.

"Vanni, you got the apartment?" I ask him as I take the last suitcase out of the house.

"Yes I have, it's an hour from here, four bedrooms and two and half baths." He explains while showing me the pictures.

"Thank you Vanni, the kids will be here in afew minutes then we can leave." I tell him. The kids left earlier to hang out at Albie's house after they returned from Walmart and had dinner. I called Kai earlier and the call went straight to voicemail. I called his assistant and she told me he left the office already and he isn't here yet. When I told him that the next time he comes home late, I'll leave the house and that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm very sure he is out with the bitch but since he isn't answering my calls ,I'm going to leave and take my children with me.

The kids get back and all pile up in the kitchen where I'm feeding Killian.
"Go get your pets and your toys we are leaving." I tell Kailyn,Kalia and Kaiden .

"Mama why?" Kalia asks but I just sigh not wanting to tell them right now.

"Just go get the animals and bird, I'll tell you later." I reply and they look at me suspiciously but head out.

"I hate him." Micah says with his jaw clenching.

"Come here baby." I beckon him as I hand Killian his baby cup which he holds and begins to sip on his milk. I pull Micah into a hug.
"You don't hate your dad Micah."

"I do, he is hurting you more mom, I hate seeing you hurt you know that." He says angrily but I stroke his back to calm him. Micah and I have a very strong relationship where by he senses when I'm hurting and sometimes I try to hide it but my son always finds out.

"I know Micah but he is your dad and you shouldn't hate him."  I tell him then pull away from the hug and smile at him. "Go grab the things I didn't get that you might need then we can leave, I packed your clothes but not all of them because you have so many ."

"Okay , where are we going?"

"Vanni got us an apartment." I reply and he nods his head then walking out.

The kids get everything they need and we all get into the family SUV van and head off . Micah is holding Killian while trying play some game on his phone. Kaiden is lost in his phone probably watching a movie. Kalia is fast asleep. I look in Kailyn's direction and she is looking at me sadly. I open my arms for her and she comes to my seat so I lift her and place her on my laps. She is like Micah, she knows when I'm hurting, all my kids do.

"Is daddy going to leave us?" She asks looking up at me. Kailyn is always looking tough compared to the twins , she pretends not to care but I know she does, a lot . The twins share some traits and sometimes act the same but Kalia is so much of a daddy's girl.

"No baby, daddy isn't leaving us, he can never leave us ." I kiss her cheek and she shrugs . She later falls asleep . We get to the underground parking of the apartment building. Vanni leads us to the topmost floor that has our apartment on it. He and the other two men take our bags in. The apartment is big enough for us but I might need to buy us a house since I have four active children plus a dog, rabbit and duck.

"Micah, your bedroom is that way." I say while pointing at the end of the hallway. "Then Kalia and Kailyn your sharing the one next to mine as Kaiden and Killian will share this one." I point to all the rooms and they all nod their heads and I'm relieved that Kailyn doesn't complain about sharing a room with Kalia.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now