Chapter 24

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That's Devon up there, or that's how I imagine he looks like but y'all can imagine him in any way y'all want.

Malia's POV

"I missed you babes." Chad says while engulfing me into a hug. This man has grown huge and more fit than the last time I saw him.

"You've grown so much dude, whatever you've been eating, Felix what have you been feeding my friend?" I ask playfully making Felix chuckle.

"He just eats a lot." Felix says making Chad kiss his teeth playfully glaring at him.

"Aren't you going to say hi to me D?" I ask him as I stand by the kitchen door as my homegirls make dinner . Today all our friends came with their kids to spend some time with us because it's been long since we had a get together because of our work schedules and the kids having school.

"I was, you were busy." He says while smirking. Devon has become more mature and hotter , don't blame me when I start drooling over him because this man is not the man I knew a while ago, his muscles are bulging out of his black t-shirt.

"Well I'm not busy anymore." I tell him and he walks to me pulling me into a tight hug and I feel engulfed in his body.

"I missed you ma, I missed you so much ." He mumbles in my neck as I wrap my arms around his neck. He is so ripped but not like Kai, Kai hits the gym literally every morning and evening and it's paying off.

"I missed you too Devon." I reply and he pulls away slowly and grazes his lips on my cheek and the corner of my mouth. I pull away and look around and notice that no one just saw what he did.

"You've become more beautiful." He says lowly while looking at me.

"Thank you D." I reply and he continues to stare at me and I do him. We remain like that for about five minutes.

"Daddy, where have you put my bag, I can't find it."  Diane, Devon's daughter says as she looks up at her dad.

"In the guest room next to Micah's room downstairs." I reply and she turns to look at me smiling.

"Thank you auntie." She says then walks out.

"She has grown into a beautiful young lady." I tell him and he chuckles.

"And annoying, daddy I want this, daddy I don't want this." He says trying to mock Diane's voice.

"She is your daughter and the only one at that."

"You're right, she is my princess, I want her to have everything in that way, no little boy will convince her with anything since she has it already." He says making me shake my head.

"That's what Kai says all the time."

"And he is absolutely right." He says.

"How are you and Kiona?"

"Co-parenting is okay, though she has been making advances at me lately saying she broke up with her boyfriend but I'm not dealing with any of that drama." He shrugs and I can tell he is hurt.

"Maybe you can give her another chance, you've been alone for sometime now Devon, it's better if you find someone."

"I can't get back with her, she is my ex wife and what was done was done, but I'm not alone, i have my son and daughter with me and I don't need anyone else."

"You're 29 D you're not getting any younger."

"It don't matter besides the one I want is already taken." He shrugs while looking at me.

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum