Chapter 8

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Kai's POV.

Last night I came home and the house was awfully quiet . I tried calling out the kids' name but I got silence for a respond. I moved to the backyard but there was nothing.

"Where is my wife?" I ask one of the men in the backyard .

"I don't know boss, she left earlier with the children I don't know where they went." He says and I just walk back into the house then to the front.
Ben comes to me and I look at him for answers.

"Boss, I don't know where they went." He says and I run my hand through my hair not knowing where to begin from.

"You know how many people would be after them if they found out where they are? Now I want you to look through that head of yours and tell me where my wife and kids are?"

"Boss I don't know where they are , Vanni ......"

"Where is Vanni?" I cut him off.

"He went with them."

"And all these men, none of them could follow them?"

"I had four men make sure they are safe."

"Send me the address." I tell him while walking to my car.

"I'm sorry boss but I don't know their location, Vanni didn't tell us, he said Malia told him not to let any of us know their location." He stops me.

"And your men? They can't tell you anything? I fucking pay you so tell me where my family is or you're all fired."

"Boss I can't give you their location." He says and I feel angry but I can't blame Ben or Vanni right now because I know they respect Malia. I get my phone out and call Malia but she picks up after a good number of rings.
"Baby, are you okay? Where are you? You and the kids aren't home."

"Oh so now you remember you have a wife and kids?" She replies with a lot of attitude.

"Baby I'm sorry about that , I had work ...."

"Oh you don't have the right to say sorry, you weren't at work when I called your assistant, now if you'll excuse me I have to sleep ."

"Where are you?" I ask her and she disconnects the call . I sigh loudly and walk into the house to our bedroom. I check the closet and her space is almost empty. I know I messed up but I needed to close the deal. I know I've hurt her and my kids and I need to make it right. Thinking about her away from my side makes me tear up . Maybe I should let the media know my real wife instead of them assuming.

The next morning, I get down to the kitchen and the silence is killing me. It's always noisy with my kids trying to annoy Malia as they eat their breakfast. I want to make it right, I have to make it right.

"Morning Mr.Chan." Graciela walks into the kitchen and I can't even look at her because I know I'm the cause of my family leaving me.


"You make it right son, make it right." She scolds and I nod my head and she walks out. I try calling Malia but no answer. I check her location but it looks like she turned it off so I call Vanni even if I know he won't tell me.

"Vanni, where are they?"

"Boss, Malia instructed me not to give you her location I'm sorry."

"Please I just need to know where they are." I can't believe I'm pleading with someone I pay.

"They are all okay I promise you that boss." He says and I just shrug then get off the phone.

"Boss." Ben walks into the kitchen and I just motion for him to speak whatever he needs. "We got their location."

In This Forever.  (sequel to 'In this together')Where stories live. Discover now