Chapter 6

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“She is a menace. But she is so young. I can't bear to see her in pain any longer. I think… I think Zita is right.” He reminisced on the moments before exiling a numerous number of monsters. They all begged and cried for another chance after making such a small mistake. But it was him. THe king himself made a bigger mistake than all of them combined. The laughing of Samira became clear now. She would laugh at the monsters who cried and feared their banishment. She would peak under the curtain that hid them, and feasted on the look of terror on anyones face.
“Samira. You will listen to me. You will not hurt any more monsters, and we will not exile anyone else.” He commanded. Samira gasped, and then smiled. She laughed at her father, and then towards the crowd.
“I really wished it had not come to this.” She growled as she shot at Rico. She flew inside him and disappeared.
“Where is she!? Where did she go!?” Genesis yelled as she approached Rico.
“In here, low-life.” Rico hissed as he scratched her across the face. David shouted and sprinted towards them. The exiles surrounded them and moved in as a circle. Zita went to join them, but the King held her hand.
“It's not safe. We need to get out of here.” He begged. Zita stole her hand away and smiled. She turned around and joined her subjects. Rico looked around challengly and hissed again.
“Samira, stop! Leave him alone!” Tretnon hissed in response.
“You’re right. I need someone stronger.” She rose out of his back and kicked him forward. Genesis, bleeding from her forehead, supported him as he fell. He stayed limp and heavy, depending on his most trusted friend. David picked up Kali again and aimed for Samira. She laughed paradoxically and flew inside Andy.
“That’s not gonna work again.” She teased as she took control of her. She placed a hand on her stomach and looked down.
¨ Let's see, how does she control these thingies?” While Samira was distracted, Nova crawled over to the fountain, carefully ducking behind the other monsters. He dipped himself into the fountain, and quickly crawled back over to Samira. As he snuck behind her, David launched Kali at her. A long, purple tentacle grabbed hold of Kali and Nova, and Samira threw them back at David.
“You see, that's where you're wrong. Andy would give me the a-ok to beat the snot outta her.” Genesis responded, rolling up the sleeves on her shirt. “All of us actually.” She added. Before Samira could speak, Genesis smacked her across the face. Nova, drenched, hopped over to Kali and whispered to him, receiving a nod. Kali turned into liquid, and Nova hopped in. As the puddles slid away, the mushroom men charged into Samira’s feet.  Samira reached her arm back and slung it forward at Genesis. Zhen came in front of her and absorbed the hit, getting her arm stuck.
“Nice signature move.” Genesis joked. Kali came up from behind them, and let Nova out. He crawled up Samira, and positioned himself on top of her head.
“SQUEEZ ME.” He demanded. Hesitantly, Genesis reached out, and scrunched up his fur, letting water pour down onto Samira.
She let of a sound, louder than before, louder than a church bell, and louder than a boat horn. Genesis placed her hand on her head, and forced her onto the floor.
“Come sit on her!” She offered to the mushroom men.  Zita and the King looked down at Andy.
“I think it’s time for her to-” Genesis slapped him across the face, cutting off his sentence. She flung her fists into her abdominal area, and kicked his legs. The King did not move and he looked down on her.
“Genesis, dear. Uhm… I think that's a little unnecessary for now.” Zita coaxed as she gently pulled her away from the King.
“Look! Its Valentine and the other rainbow runner!” Nova cheered. Valentine used his fellow rabbit as a support.
“Hey, you ok?” Rico asked as he knelt down in front of them.
“Dont need ya pity. Git away from me, before ah bite yer tail off.” He warned. Rico hissed, and left to look at Andy.
“What are we gonna do about Andy?” He asked as he poked her shoulder.
“Don't…touch…me” She growled slowly.
“Water. We have to use more water to drive her out. You only used a little amount to burn her and make her weak, but we actually have to drop her into the fountain.” The King explained.
“How do you know?”
“An educated guess?”

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