Chapter 5

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“Wake up! Wake up! We have arrived! We have arrived!” The mushroom men ran around Zhen as he laid on the floor. He slowly opened his eyes, and looked around. He was in a weird alley with a bunch of chihuahua sized spiders that squeaked at each other whenever they came close to a piece of garbage that the other might have wanted. The mushroom men pushed Zhen to the end of an alley that led to a busy dirt street filled with all types of monsters. Eyeballs with wings, a walking hairball, a green and black furry shaped lizard the size of a bus, some slimes who looked like zhen, and several monsters covered with armor.
¨Where are we?! Where is everyone?! Did they not come through?¨ Zhen panicked. The mushroom men charged around Zhen, making him turn pink.
¨Should we just wait here?¨ He asked himself.

¨Wait! Andy, stop running for a second!¨ David gasped as he chased the young monster through a field with one shoe on. The tall grass hid Andy from his view, and the yellow sunflowers whacked them as they ran.
¨Andy, we don't need it! Its fine!¨ He called as she sprinted behind a rolling, scaly, silver ball. It laughed as it turned around and rolled under her legs. It emerged from its ball revealing a young naga. It’s tail wrapped tightly around David's missing shoe. It laughed through its long green hair that covered it from its head to its waist. As Andy slowly approached the being, it chuched the shoe, aiming for her head.
“YOU LITTLE-,” Andy stopped herself and barely caught the shoe with her tentacles. She aimed back at the naga, and watched fear take over its body. It stopped laughing and it quickly slithered away.
“That’s right! I won!” She cheered as she wiped her nose. She handed the shoe back to David, and examined the field.
“Where do you think we are?” David asked, while tying his laces.
“With all the grass in the way, I can't see a thing.” They stood still for a moment, and then David picked her up.
“Stand on my shoulders, and tell me what you see.”
“Ok.” She positioned herself near his clavicle, and slowly stood up. Around them, there was grass for miles and miles. It was an endless sea of green, and a clear blue sky laid across it.
“It’s just grass.” She told him.
“Can you see anyone else? Like Genesis, or Rico? He’s tall, so maybe he’ll be easier to find. The rabbits on the other hand would be difficult to find.”
“Ha! You underestimate us!” Nova and Valentine came running towards them. David helped Andy down and kneeled next to them.
“How did you find us? Did you see anyone else?” He asked. Nova shook his head.
“Do ya know where we are?” Andy asked.
“Yer in cyclops garden.” Valentine sniffed. David started to sweat and he looked around.
“A cyclops… garden? This is a field though.”
“Ta us it is, but the cyclops is huge! Yer probably as big as his toenail!” Valentine laughed.
“Val, stop it. He’s just messing with you. He’s not that big. You’re like the size of his legs put together.” Nova smacked Valentine.
“Must be real skinny then.” Andy sighed.
“We have to find where everyone else went. We need to get out of this field.” David said.
“No problem. Follow us!” The rabbits instructed. Andy skipped behind, David walked, and the bunnies hopped away.

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