Chapter 1

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"That slug, is Zhen. The hovering monster is Hilda, and I am Rico. Please address us by our names." Genesis ripped her hand out of the slug and dialed a new number into her phone. "Hello. I would like to speak to my client. Yes, cell 576. His name? David Byun. Ok, thank you." A long silence filled the room as Genesis, Rico, Hilda, and Zhen waited for something to happen. "Ah, yes. Hello David. I'm sorry but I am taking a sick day today. I can't work on your-" She was interrupted by a male shouting on the phone. The number then hung up, and it left the monsters in shock.
"Who w-was that? W-why would that p-person yell-at you?" Hilda hovered towards Genesis. "Well, I am a lawyer."
"W-whats a lay your?"
"Lawyer. A lawyer is someone who practices law. If someone has a problem with the law, they can contact a lawyer for advice. A legal problem is referred to as a case. A person can hire a lawyer to start a case against someone else, or to help with a case that has been started against them. If the case goes to court, the lawyer will represent their client in court. The lawyer will use their knowledge of the law to convince the court that the client is on the right side of the argument."
"W-wow. So who w-were you t-talking too?"
"I was talking to the person who hired me."
"W-what did h-he do? W-why did he y-yell?"
"He didn't yell at me. That was an officer. You see, David was accused of robbing stores and shooting two people. The officer took him to a holding place to see if he is innocent or guilty of this crime. David hired me to convince a judge that he is innocent, but I ran into you three so I can't work on his case today. I called David to tell him I'm taking the day off. Apparently David was doing something while he was talking with me that the officer didn't like, so he yelled and hung up the phone."
"W-why can't you work his c-case?"
"I might be going insane. I'm not in the right mind to work right now. And If I leave for work today, you guys might wreck my house, and I really don't want that."
Hilda was about to open her mouth to ask more questions, but Rico spoke up first.
"He is like us, Hilda. He is imperfect and needs help from someone who is flawless." Genesis eyebrow raised and she pursed her lips.
"What do you mean? I'm definitely not perfect. No one is. Why would you say something like that, ca- I mean Rico?"
"Because it's true. What I said before, about exiles, all exiles are imperfect. In our realm, the realm of monsters, we are expected to be flawless. Well, we are expected to act flawless. All monsters are different. Different shapes, colors, and sizes. The monster realm is ruled by a king. The most perfect king. When he believes a monster isn't flawless, he exiles them to earth."
"What? Why did he exile you three? I thought all monsters have different appearances? If monsters don't look the same, shouldn't he exile every monster?"
"No, no, no. He doesn't care about appearance. He cares about attitude, loyalty, honesty. Just about how the monsters act."
"Again, why did he exile you?"
The three monsters were silent, then Zhen answered first. "We didn't act right. My job was to cook for the monsters of the town. I wasn't the only cook though. There were more perfect ones, of course. But I wasn't like them. I couldn't cook. I didn't do it right. Everything I cooked was either undercooked or burnt. The monsters complained to the monsters of the royal court. The monsters of the royal court told the king's adviser, and the adviser told the king. Then the king summoned me, and h-he, well he, um, agh sorry. He exiled me."
Rico patted his head, only to get his hand stuck, and twitched his nose. "My job was to protect the monster realm as a guard, but that just wasn't my passion. I love art, drawing, painting, even decorating. But apparently, the king didn't like that, so he had me exiled." Rico ripped his hand away from Zhen and crossed his arms. Hilda shivered and peeped
"M-my job was t-to deliever m-messages to and f-from other mo-monsters. They d-didn't like m-my stuttering b-because they couldn't u-understand me that w-well. I think y-you can guess w-what happened n-next. Genesis nodded. "You're still not answering my previous question. How come I can see you, but I couldn't before?"
"Mmmm, yes. You see that flag you hung up outside? As soon as that flag touched your house, you were blessed with the gift to see us. That flag is also an invitation to us monsters to come in or shelter."
"Shelter? shelter for what?
"How does the weather feel for you outside?"
"It's a bit cold. Why do you ask?"
"For us monsters, the cold you feel, is deadly to us. Our skin can't bear the weather outside. Well except me. All the training I did to be a guard toughened me up. "
"Wait, wait, wait. Does that mean… does that mean you're staying here?"
"I suppose so. We can work a few things out. Perhaps come to an arrangement."
Genesis could not believe what was happening. She couldn't decide whether or not to accept the fact that three weird monsters are in her house, or to change jobs, move to a different country, and start a new life. But the second option sounded a bit silly. As she was busy thinking, Zhen made his way up the hall and into the room. No one had noticed he had left until he came back with a light purple raincoat with cat paw prints here and there. "What is this? Its so smooth. Is it a hat?" Knocking Genesis out of her thoughts, she said "No. Its my old raincoat. You can have it. Its too big for me. Do you want to put it on?" Zhen nodded. Genesis took the raincoat and slipped it on over the pink slug. Zhen, wide eyed, looked down onto the coat. "S-so that's a-a raincoat. W-what is t-this?" Hilda hovered over to the stove and pointed to the frying pan, sitting perfectly in the center of the top. "That's a frying pan. I use it to cook food. I thought you knew what it was. Aren't you a cook?"
"N-no. Zhen is t-the cook. O-out chefs didnt u-use these. They u-used a thin p-peice of r-rock."

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