Chapter 1

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"Speaking of cooking" Rico chimed in. "I am a bit hungry. Do you suppose you could spare us some food?" Genesis walked over to the fridge and pulled out eggs, bread, and milk. "Sure, why not? How does egg toast sound?" Rico, Hilda, and Zhen nodded. They swarmed Genesis as she placed the eggs on the pan, poured milk into the four glasses, and then placed the cooked eggs on the bread. "Ok. Here you go. Be careful, the egg might still be hot." She said as she handed the plates to them. Zhen swallowed the food along with the plate. As soon as it traveled  down into his body, it disintegrated and turned pink. Hilda took a nibble and squealed. "I-it k-kind burns." Rico rolled his eyes and took a bite. "No reaction from him. Must be a tough guy, i mean cat. No. He is a guy-cat." Genesis thought.
"What now? Do you just eat and stare off into nothingness? How boring." Rico yawned. "Actually, I was going to go for a bike ride." Genesis was getting quite irritated now. She walked back into her room and locked the door. "Maybe if I leave, they will get bored and decide to find a different shelter", Genesis planned in her head. She pulled on a sweatshirt, opened the door, walked down the hall, past the monster intruders, and into her garage. She prepped her bike, but before she could get going, Rico burst through the door. "I want to come. Please let me go on the bike ride." He begged.
"I don't have room on the bike."
"I'll run beside you."
"You could get lost if you don't run fast enough."
"Im pretty fast."
"Fine." Genesis couldn't believe that he wanted to come. What if he touches someone? If he gets lost, she'll have to go and find him, but face other monsters. Genesis rode out onto the street, Rico following, and pedalled to her favorite trail. She stopped right before the entrance, and Rico almost ran into her. "Why are we stopping?" Rico looked so happy, and his tail was swishing rapidly. Genesis moved her bike to the side of the trail, making way for the people coming and going, and said "Where are the other monsters? Are you the only exiles?"  Rico's tail drooped and his happy face drained into a look of boredom. "We stopped because of that? Really? I was just getting warmed up too. This place has too many people. We dont like social places." Genesis, relieved, began pedaling once again. She examined the scenery before her, trying to spot other monsters. Trees with sap, multicolored flowers, horse riders, and walkers blocked her view of possible hiding monsters. She gave up, and came upon a fork in her road. "Rico, left or right? Left is a park, right is a street that leads to an outdoor mall." Rico thought for a moment and then trotted to the right path. "I don't know what a mall is. I want to see." Genesis lead Rico onto the path and guided him through the street. They reached the entrance of the mall, and Genesis chained her bike to a pole. "Well? What do you think?" Genesis turned towards the mall. It wasn't too big. Two straight rows of shops, parallel to each other that leads to a movie theater. Rico sneezed and turned around. "Rico! C'mon. Lets go take a look! They're shops." Genesis grabbed the tall hybrid by the arm and lead him to the first shop. "Fine, fine, fine. I can walk by myself." The first shop was selling different types of clothes and accessories. When they entered, Genesis stopped right before the door. There, sitting on a sunglasses rack, was a monster. It looked like an overgrown rabbit, with circles, triangles, and lines all over the body. The shapes were colored with light red, blue, green, and purple. The eyes were not normal rabbit eyes, but grey human eyes. It paid no mind to Genesis or Rico.

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