Chapter 3

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“Put. Them. Down! Andy, stop, please stop it!” Zita cried. Andy had snatched up Valentine and another rainbow runner and dragged them across the grass with her tentacles. She then grabbed them and drooled. Zhen slithered to Kali and Zita and protected Nova and the others. No one dared to move as Andy stared at the exiles in her hand. Amber was busy washing dishes and listening to her Michael Jackson playlist, so the poor monsters had no way of telling her what's happening. Andy growled as she brought the rabbits closer to her. Zita screamed and jumped forward, only to be held back by Kali.

“Wait! I'm not gonna eat them! Look behind y-” Andy cried.

“Not safe! Tentacle monster not safe!” He cried. Zhen helped drag Zita back towards the fence behind them.

“Im not gonna eat you! Believe me! Just listen to me!” Andy thought. 

“Andy no!” Rico appeared at the front door and looked at the sight through the glass backdoor. He dropped David and ran outside. Andy dropped the rabbits and was forced to the floor by Ricos weight.

“I wasn't going to eat them, I swear! I swear!” The small exile begged. Rico hissed and pressed her wrist harder, causing a snap sound to escape from the left one.  Andy gasped and trembled. Genesis snatched a knife from Amber’s hand and ran outside. She dug the blade into Rico’s side and kicked him off. Rico yowled in pain and clutched the knife. Genesis picked up Andy and held her up close to her chest.

¨What is going on? Rico, what is wrong with you all of a sudden? Did you snap her wrist?¨ Genesis scolded and held out Andy’s wrist.

“Rico, I wasn't gonna eat them! Look, look at the fence behind Zita!” Andy violently shook as she pointed behind the herd of scared monsters. Zhen turned around and his body slime turned white. He screamed as he pushed Zita and Kali towards the house. Genesis turned around to see what was causing them to be afraid. The rose bushes covering the flowers shook as two beady eyes watched them. Everyone froze until the unknown being stepped out. It was a handsome golden retriever. It wagged its tail and circled around Genesis. Andy gasped and buried herself into Genesis for safety. Its friendly eyes examined the monsters and it trotted over to Zita and lciked her face. The monsters gagged and Genesis laughed. 

“Ozzy, get away from her! C’mere boy!” A head peaked over the fence, only seeing Genesis and the dog. It was a blonde lady with a green face mask on. The dog jumped onto Amber's swing and onto the fence. It balanced itself as it walked along the gate and into the yard next to Amber’s.

“Please excuse him. It won't happen again, have a good day.” The lady apologized and disappeared. Andy sighed and clung onto Genesis’s shoulder.

“I tried to tell them Genesis. I tried, but they didn't listen. They still dont trust me.”

“Its ok. It takes a while for people to warm up to each other. Thank you for trying to keep them safe though.” Genesis patted the little girl's silver hair. Hilda hovered over in front of Andy and smiled.

“For w-what its worth, I-I trust you, A-andy.” She said, She then hovered over to Rico.

“You. You are a mean and nasty monster. I think you're even worse than the monster king himself.” Rico was so shocked, he didn't move a muscle. Zita, Zhen, Kali, the mushrooms, and the rainbow runners ran over to Andy and Genesis.

“Thank you little one. I apologize for not listening to you. I thought you were gonna eat them because you were drooling.” Zita explained.

“Nah. I wasn't hungry. I was drooling because my mouth couldn't close all the way.” Andy poked her tongue out of the open corners of her wide mouth. Zita laughed and patted her head. Rico crawled over to the group, but only to be kicked away by Kali. 

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