Chapter 1

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¨Are you hearing yourself? The judge and the jury will never believe us! Plus, David should have been logical and not have stolen a gun in the first place. Im sure that if he just stood by like the rest of the shoppers, a security guard could have seen and reported it!¨

¨I knew it! You are defending these-these things! Darling, David hired you to protect him in court; do you want a future dead man damaging your reputation? No one else would hire you.¨

Genesis sighed and pulled out her cellphone. After typing in a number, she listened to the ring.

¨Hello, this is Genesis Shall. May I schedule a visit with David Byun tomorrow around 10:30? Yes, thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Amber looked and her with disbelief and gasped. She looked at the exiled trio, and then back to Genesis.

“Why would you schedule it tomorrow? Shouldn't it be ASAP?”

Genesis yawned, walked past Rico, Hilda, and Zhen and said, 

“It's lunchtime.” She strolled into the kitchen and aggressively pulled out random ingredients from the fridge. She tossed them onto the counter and then broke out into tears. Amber tried to run to her side, but Rico reached her first. He hissed at Amber.

“Would you be so kind as to step outside?”

“But, I need to help her. Now please, excuse me.”

“You will do no such thing. I believe you have done enough.”

Zhen grabbed Amber's hand and led her to the backyard.

“Come look at the orange balls with Hilda and me!” He pleaded. Amber nodded and followed.

¨Genesis, I am truly grateful that you are protecting us. But, I myself am a big believer in justice. Why are you sticking your neck out for us?¨ Rico asked.

¨I don't even know. A gut feeling I guess.¨

¨Thank you, Genesis. Please, let us repay you. We will help you with this David man.¨

¨What I wanna know is what Hilda was doing in the mall in the first place. And how can David see you guys?¨

¨I can answer the second question. He has a flag. Just like your pink one outside.¨

“Oh my god. How many flags are there? Did my grandma know about this?”

“How about some of that lunch you were talking about?”

“Right. Of course.”

Genesis scanned what she pulled out. Broccoli, Spinach, Ham, Cheese, Olives. She gagged at the spinach and broccoli. She put the foods back in their proper places, and pulled out instant ramen from her cabinet. 

“Rico. Please tell Amber, Hilda, and Zhen to come inside.”

“Ew, we're eating with Amber?”

He slowly walked out into the backyard, and looked around for them. Under one of Genesis’s orange trees, he saw Amber with both of her hands inside Zhen's back, trying to pull out poor Hilda who got stuck. He sighed and watched as they struggled to get away from each other. He trotted over and ripped Hilda out of Zhen, pulling Amber’s arms out as well.  

“Genesis is stronger than you. She is able to pull out her hands but you’re not. Another reason I don't want you here.” He hissed.

Amber rolled her eyes and walked back inside. As she entered the room, the smell of eggs, soy sauce, and green onions filled her nose. Genesis was in front of the stove being extra careful her ramen doesn't burn.

“Genesis, darling, how did you come across these things? How is this even possible?” Amber placed her hand on Genesis’s shoulder. She turned around with a bowl of ramen and handed it to Amber. She then grabbed four more bowls and slowly walked to the table, setting them down carefully. Rico, Zhen, and Hilda raced inside following the scent of Genesis’s cooking. After they ate their fill, they ran back outside.

“Amber, come with me please.” Genesis led Amber out of the kitchen and into the hall.

“I believe it has something to do with my Grandma.”

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