Chapter Thirty Seven: Harper

Start from the beginning

"I think Mr and Mrs Richards are going to be angry when they hear about this" I say pointing to the club house where they had gone for the evening with some of their other kids.

"Let them" he says leaning down and kissing my head "Harper you and your brothers, Wren and of course Jennifer, you are all that matters to me. I love you and won't have anyone making you feel uncomfortable and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me things like this. I got it wrong with Ethan. I won't ever do that again, interfere I mean"

"I would appreciate that daddy... thank you" I confess and I'm glad because I was considering jumping on a plane and heading to Turkey for the girl of my dreams whether she asked or not.

I was taking control of my life and I wanted Teddy, I wanted her more than anything or anyone else. I had to find my damned phone.

Wren woke me up chatting away "mamamama" she called and I smiled and rolled over and looked down at her in the travel crib "morning sweetheart" I say stretching and sitting up.

I reach down from where she has pulled herself up and is stood peeking at me over the top and lift her onto the bed "how did you sleep" I ask her and she smiles and pokes me in the eyebrow. "That good huh" i ask and I hear my brothers running about outside our room, clearly early risers too so I pick Wren up in my arms and walk out into the main area.

My brothers are sat having breakfast and Jennifer is flipping pancakes "morning Harper... morning Wren" she calls out cheerily watching us over her shoulder.

"Harper I think I found your phone this morning . I left it on the arm of the couch" she says.

I look over to the couch and spot it and I've never moved so fast. I pick it up and sit Wren on the play mat at my feet, handing her some toys. I check it, low battery and only one message, from yesterday, but it's from mama.

M- Hope the family trip is going well my darling girl. We miss you already but been great to help out the Nomikos whilst we are on the west coast. Teddy flew out this morning I'm sure you spoke with her, it's going to be so strange without her isn't it x love you x send me some pictures of Wren this week I miss her x mama

I frown "Teddy left" I say out loud and I've never felt so confused and I recheck my phone but there are zero messages and zero calls.

"She left me here" I ask myself and I don't believe that for a second. I mean, I know I've been quiet this week and I havnt been as supportive as I could have been but she would never leave without saying goodbye would she?! No she wouldn't.

"Jennifer will you watch Wren a second I have to call Mama" I ask and she plates up the pancakes and walks over to pick her up.

"of course" she says.

I step out onto the porch and dial Mama but Willa answers "hey Harper mama is in the shower, you okay?" She asks.

I don't know what to say first "Willa... Teddy left yesterday" I ask but it sounds more like a statement.

She agrees "yes... I know, and listen Harper... I'm sorry that you two didn't work out, for what it's worth I so wanted it for you both. I understand though, that a lot has happened and this move abroad hasn't come at the best time.I just....I'm sorry for you two, to have to go through this"

"Didn't work out" I repeat and she sounds remorseful that she even mentioned it.

"Sorry Harps I shouldn't have said anything. I expect it's hard to talk about. Teddy told me when we spoke just now. I've only just got off the phone with her. She's landed in Turkey"

"What did she say" I ask because this doesn't make sense, she's telling people we broke up but never gave me the respect to end it face to face with me.I thought we would speak again before she left.

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