Chapter Nineteen: We have a problem

Start from the beginning

"Willa you are paranoid. Like I said... Harper will make her own choices. I just believe this one is the best and I won't be shy about encouraging her with Ethan. He can offer her marriage, stability, love, a family, an eternal family in the temple and he doesn't care that she is pregnant. In fact I've invited him to come and help me put up the nursery. He's a good kid, he loves her and he seems to care about the baby"

I was astonished. I felt a little sick. Why couldn't men let women control their own fucking destiny in this family. Why was Ben so much like my dad. I suddenly felt like placing a protective wall around Harper and a ban on Ethan ever entering my home ever again.

Teddy's dislike was rubbing off. I was starting to be swayed to agree with her, he at-least needed taking aside and having a strong word with and I knew just the person to good cop bad cop with me. I had no problem with Harper marrying Ethan and having this life Ben talked about, if it was genuinely her choice, with no interference, but smoke and mirrors and games to interfere or influence her, that wasn't right and wouldn't ever end well.

Teddy's car swung in behind mine and broke the tension. Harper got out slowly, a beaming smile to see her dad. I felt happy for her, she had been missing him.

"Oh my word" Ben said as she appeared, her swollen belly pushing out of a pair of blue denim dungarees, a stripy long sleeved t shirt on underneath and her red hair up in a messy bun. "My baby is having a baby" he says affectionately walking over and placing one hand either side of the bump "I love you both so much" he confesses and he kisses Harper on the cheek.

"I love you too dad" she returns with the largest grin.

"Hey" Teddy greets stepping out of the car and coming to stand beside me "he should be on his damn knees" she says through gritted teeth.

I look sideways to her and nod "I know what you mean" I add "how was Lamaze" I ask.

"Good, really good" she says with a contented smile and I place my arm around her shoulder and squeeze her affectionately.

"Teddy we have a problem" I whisper as I begin to pull her around the side of the house.

"What is it" she asks alarmed.

I wait until we are out of sight and stop walking and turn on my heel letting her go "Teddy there's something off with Ethan"

Her eyes widen and she nods "well duh of course there fucking is"

I shake my head "no not just the fact you're incredibly jealous of him being within a foot of Harper..."

She shakes her head "a foot is fine...touching distance though is not okay" she adds one eyebrow raised.

"I don't want to even know what's happened between you two but I'm glad to see you are back to friends without the war games" I add and I step closer to speak quieter.

"Ben seems to think that Ethan has plans to ask Harper to marry him and go back to Utah, to the church" I inform her.

Teddy's eyebrows shoot up before she starts to laugh "that won't happen" she says confidently "Harper wouldn't go back Willa... I know her and she wouldn't"

"Teddy I know her too... and I'm telling you I think she could... and that's fine but only if it's her decision, one she comes to alone"

Teddy frowns "you think she would?" She questions.

I nod regretfully "Harper craves safety, she craves comfort and love, she wants the family and she misses the church"

"She does" Teddy asks frowning, her eyes suddenly looking downcast. "But Willa she wouldn't leave us would she"

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