47| As it was

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"Jimin,You are ruining my night right now"

"I am not ruining anything,I'm just taking your car because of the job you left for me to do,I wouldn't have been in this position if you still went to the missions" Jimin said to him,rolling his eyes. Grabbing the car keys from the table.

"Yes but that's my car. Take your own,I have a meeting to get to" Taehyung said as he applied the strawberry chapstick on his lips so they weren't dry.  Putting on some other lotions on his face too.

"Meeting? What Meeting? Yoongi didn't say anything about a meeting? Why are you wearing a black silk button down to a meeting? thats not very formal" He asked him as he watched the older man just doing the most for his looks.

"I'm meeting....with Jeongguk. He agreed to talk to me" Taehyung answered,burying his head into the drawer looking for favourite silver rings. Hearing Jimin gasp in the background.

"Holy shit are you for real? like Jeon Jeongguk? the one whose heart you broke because you were too scared?" He asked in disbelief. Making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Yes,Jimin. That's why I need my car to get to the location. You get your own" Finally,found the rings and wore them on his hands. a silver chain around his neck and he looked flashy.

"And here I was thinking why are you getting so dressed up. It's…nice to see you like this Taehyung. Putting effort into yourself for the first time in years" Smiling wholeheartedly at his best friend.

"Are you saying I have been looking ugly all this time?"

"No,it's not about dressing up, it's about the energy you are giving out right now. I love it and I really hope this date changes things for you guys…for the better of course"  Jimin got up from his seat and hugged his friend from the side.

"It's not a date and I hope so too. I still need my car though"

"God, Taehyung, I will drive you there. I need the car. I told you,Namjoon took mine because it had some problems with it so he being the best boyfriend ever was like I will fix it for you. I need to go to my job,so just please hop in. I will drive you" Jimin explained his situation,making Taehyung sigh.

"That's not the problem,Jimin. How will I get home once I am done? It would probably be past midnight by then,you would be busy at work." He asked Jimin,who stood there for a second. Thinking for a solution when his mind clicked.

"Ask Jeongguk"

"Jimin,I can't. We are not on the best terms to be giving each other rides home. I am glad he is even talking to me after everything I made him go through" Taehyung put on his million dollar worth watch and he was finally ready. Taking one strand of his hair and pulling it behind his ear.

He was checking himself out,he looked really nice. Jimin was right,there was this glow in his face that he had never seen before.

"Just ask,It won't hurt anyone"

"Whatever Jimin,Fine. Let's go,It's going to be 9pm in 10 minutes. I am already late.The restaurant we are meeting at is 30 minutes away. Should I text him that I would be late?" He asked,Jimin nodded and Taehyung quickly took out his phone and texted Jeongguk.

Hey,I would be about 25-30 minutes late I'm sorry

it's alright.

are you there yet? I hope I won't make you wait too long

No,I would be a bit late too so take your time.

Still With You || jjk + kthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora