9| Autumn Leaves

769 46 2



"Why are you still awake?"

"I cannot sleep"

"Want me to sing to you,my moonlight?" He called him the nickname which makes Taehyung smile a bit too much.

"I would like that but I would like you to lay down with me more. Come here,You soothe my nerves more than anyone can" Taehyung told the other boy who gave him a huge smile.

"That's not true."

"Yes it is. You are my whole world Seungho. I would die without you" Taehyung told him as he grabbed his boyfriend by the waist,pulling him closer to the bed.

"You can't say that. what will you do when I am gone?"

"You are never going away. I will protect you with my life" Taehyung told him. He saw how Seungho's face fell which made him worried for a second.

"But you didn't...you didn't protect me. You let me go into that place,You knew it was dangerous. You still took me to that mission" He saw how tears were suddenly falling down his face. his vision is getting blurry. Taehyung says straight up, very worried to see the boy.

"Seungho, what are you talking about?" Taehyung tried to grab his hands but Seungho pushed him away.

"You failed to save me, Taehyung. You couldn't protect me. That's why everyone left you,your father,your mother and now even me. You got nobody to leave Taehyung...Jimin will leave you too...it's all your fault. It's your fault I cannot breathe anymore" Seungho was getting further away and slowly fading into the dark.

Taehyung felt tears trickling down his face. Unable to move his body,he felt immense pain in his chest as he saw his lover fade away. He yelled his name out multiple times but nothing happened. It was getting hard for him too.

"Seungho,Seungho!!! Please Seungho don't leave me I am scared...I'm so lost without you..please come back!! seungho!!" Taehyung yelled loudly but nothing happened.

He tried again and he suddenly snapped out of his dream. sitting upright now. He had sweat all over his face. It was like he ran a marathon. His heart was beating out of his chest. Before he could even do anything he saw Jimin,his best friend coming into his room. Suddenly Seungho's words ran into his mind.

"..Jimin will leave you too"

He froze for a second when he saw the worried look on his friend's face. That's what he does right? chase pain to his loved ones. It's all his fault he pushes everyone away. It's his fault he is left with no one.

Jimin sat down on the bed and saw Taehyung crying. "Taehyung! What happened? I heard your screams and came running here. Are you okay? was it your mother again?"

" It wasn't her...it was Seungho, Jimin" Taehyung called out as he burst into tears. He put his hands around Jimin's waist and hugged him. Crying into his chest.

"Oh my god"

"You won't leave me, right jimin? please tell me you won't leave me here all alone"

"Ofcourse I won't. I have always been on your side and it will always be like this. Taehyung, you are my soulmate. I would never do that to you and leave you here alone" Jimin comforted him. He took the tissues on the side table to wipe the sweat of the other fave who was still shaking a bit.

Jimin didn't let him go and laid on the bed next to him. Knowing it was the best option as Taehyung is very emotionally weak physically and mentally. He needs to be there for him right now.

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