30| Revival

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Going to university after almost 2 weeks off,Jeongguk felt strange. It felt so strange to be back. He should be worried because this is the last semester and by this time everyone is losing their shit because of how close final exams are. When your whole future depends on those,Even a sane person goes crazy.

So that was slowly hitting Jungkook. Academic stress was taking over him and he doesn't know how he will get 2 weeks worth of notes,Nobody is that generous. 

Rubbing his palm together,his feet tapping on the floor rapidly. A hand came down to his thigh making him stop doing that. He glanced up and Saw Eunwoo looking at him. Very concerned.

"Are you okay? you look...anxious,did something happen to Taehyung yesterday?" Eunwoo asked him. Jeongguk shook his head.

 "Luckily, I didn't cross paths with him,and found my clothes on my doorstep. Thank god no one picked it up. So yeah it's not him,It's just exams are soon and because of missing last two weeks I'm so behind,haven't studied a word,so much work is piling up and it's just stressing me the fuck out" He ranted to his friend. Who put his hands on Jeongguk's back,comforting him.

"Hey,it's going to be alright" He kissed his forehead."I will help you.You can take my notes and like to copy them.If there's anything that you don't get just ask me,I am the top student of all our classes for a reason,baby. So don't worry, okay?" Eunwoo told him.

The younger gaze softened,he helped the younger out so much already by saying all that. Knowing He got his back makes him so happy. He quickly wrapped his arms around Eunwoo,Hugging tightly." Thank you,thank you so much,oh what I would do without you,You really are an angel"

"You flatter me too much. Even though you say you will move back to your apartment officially today,you can still come over whenever you want for a study date,my doors are always open for you" He smiled at him. Jeongguk chuckled and nodded.

"I'll be over everyday then,we got a lot to cover. I hope I don't burden you"

"You would never be a burden on me" He said softly. 

 Jeongguk can't help but feel happy,it really is nice like this. His heart breaks a little that he might not be able to like him back. Their date did end on a nice note. They shared a sweet kiss which made Jeongguk come to some conclusions and had dinner together.

He realised he felt good all day because his mind wasn't looking at Eunwoo the same way the other's mind was looking at Jeongguk. For Jeongguk's mind,Eunwoo was still a friend so nothing felt out of place the whole day,nothing felt weird until the kiss happened.

He felt absolutely nothing. Even after being flattered by the older's comments and just how careful and kind he has been to Jeongguk,he still couldn't feel any type of romantic connection between them. that felt out of place so he is so puzzled right now.

Should he just give up and run back to Taehyung because they still need closure or give Him and Eunwoo more time,maybe something will click that wasn't able to click all these years? yeah he really doesn't know what to do.

"You guys look cozy,did you guys fucked?" Mingyu who barged into the classroom and took a seat between them being the third wheeler he is. 

Jeongguk shook his head.He doesn't even take it seriously because it's coming from Mingyu. "We are not fucking Mingyu,why would we fuck?"

"I don't know you guys look very comfortable and Eunwoo is glowing,so I thought maybe he finally completed his dream of have sex with-" Mingyu was immediately shut down by Eunwoo who cut  him off.

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