24| Reflection

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Getting ready feels good. Taehyung doesn't even know when was the last time he dressed him up for a date. His late date was obviously with Seungho and it was more than a year ago.

It wasn't anything too fancy. They just went near the Han River, Got some take out and drank as they sat under the moonlight, enjoying each other's presence the whole night. It wasn't much but that was one of the best night of Taehyung's life.

He shouldn't be thinking about Seungho,he is going out with Jeongguk. He should focus on him. Is it even a date? He denied it but Jeongguk still called it a date. He knows this is all so he can move on but he doesn't know if this would even work. His wounds are too deep to be healed.

He is still going to try,he will try because Jeongguk is doing so much for him,he wants to give the same energy back.

Now as he is buckling up his belt around his waist,he feels nice. His usual attire is business casual,just a bunch of dark tone suits and barely any casual clothes except the ones he sleeps in. Thankfully, He found a light toned casual outfit in his closet so he would be wearing that.

It's not much,He is wearing a beige coloured loose fit pants,A white Celine t-shirt tucked inside the pants and a similar beige sweater on top. It was a cute look. He styled it more by wearing a gold chain and some of his gold rings. How can he forget his rings? collecting pretty but expensive looking rings is his hobby at this point.

He checked himself out as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He felt nice because of how good he looks. Made him feel sentimental because he doesn't know the last time he felt this...beautiful. He saw a bit of makeup on his table that Jimin bought him, Jimin really does good makeup so whenever they had time to go to someplace like a club or something, Jimin would force him to wear it. Taehyung never was the one to be interested in dressing up and stuff.

He applied some lip balm and didn't do anything else since he might mess up and that would ruin his mood. So he is just going going leave it there.

He suddenly got a text from Jimin.

What are you doing

Baby tete
Why are you free?

that bitch went to a mission and took one of his underling and not me so I'm pissed because it's a Friday night and I am sitting in this shit hole

Baby tete
Sorry chim,Don't worry Soon you can finally come home. It's coming closer anyway.

Yes I wish I could come home I miss my bed and ofcourse you

don't tell me you are going to spend your Friday night at home

Baby tete
Actually...I might have a date?



Baby tete
No,I'm really going on a date.

with who?!?!?!

Baby tete


kids really grow up so fast

Baby tete
We are literally the same age.

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