43| Never Enough

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It's been one month. A whole month since everything that took place in that building. A month since everything changed drastically.

Luckily Jeongguk wasn't harmed at all,though he was heavily traumatised and it took him a while to just stop thinking about it because he can't hear this quickly. His only hope to still move on was Taehyung...only if the latter wasn't so distant.

It took Taehyung a whole week to wake up. He had Tons of drips inside his arms,Bandages on his head,his torso,and his legs. Bruises over his face and chest. It was not looking good for him. The head injury was really serious and doctors were shocked at how much blood was lost yet Taehyung still made it.

That week was hell for Jeongguk as even he himself hadn't moved on yet and seeing Taehyung everyday for weeks straight lifeless in the hospital bed,he was depressed. The tightening feeling inside his chest wouldn't leave until he would see Taehyung.

So the second he woke up, Jeongguk ran to the hospital only to find just as lifeless Taehyung but now awake. There was no emotion on his face,just a blank stare. When his eyes fell on Jeongguk,his eyes started to well up with tears.

Bursting into tears just by the sight of the younger man. It shocked Jeongguk too,he didn't know what to do that day. So he sat next to him,pulling him into his arms as Taehyung cried in his chest for hours. Mumbling words Jeongguk couldn't understand,Saying things he wished he could help him with.

Apologizing,a lot of it. He was apologising every other second. Whenever Jeongguk would come he would apologise. As much as the younger tried to stop him,he still went on.

Until the apologising stopped,everything stopped. Taehyung was still admitted in hospital,he was going to be discharged in a few days until he had recovered enough to go home.

The lifeless Taehyung he saw the day he woke up was back. There were no more apologies, just small responses. Jeongguk tried to converse with him more,tried to be more uplifting to abandon the depressing aura around the man but nothing worked.

First he thought maybe it's that time again. This happens everytime Jeongguk is involved in a mission and gets harmed. Taehyung ignores him because he feels guilty and then slowly he comes around because he loves him too much to stay away.

But it was a bit different this time. At Least back then they used to talk more,they fought about it,they communicated on what went wrong and how they could fix it. It wasn't like this anymore. They barely even talked.

It was so bad he would feel awkward sitting in the same room as him. He doesn't want to fight,he doesn't want to stress him out considering his health. He doesn't...want to be a burden on Taehyung. He isn't a burden but the way the older is acting,he can't help but think that.

Taehyung wasn't angry with him like he usually is,Taehyung isn't annoyed,Taehyung isn't dramatic or emotional about the situation anymore he is just cold.

When the day came when Taehyung would finally get discharged,Jeongguk was the first one to get there. He went through all the reports,got all the clearance from the doctors and got the green flag to take Taehyung. He was excited. Maybe this is the problem. Maybe it was the hospital that made him depressed. Once he would go home and the environment would change,his Taehyung would be back....right?

"Do...do you want to eat something before we go home? just the two of us?" Jeongguk asked,a bit hesitant.

Taehyung didn't even look at him as they walked side by side through the hospital hallways to the exit. His eyes were stuck straight ahead.

"No need,I just want to go home" Taehyung answers. Jeongguk blinked and then nodded. They were soon out of the hospital and now walking into the parking lot. It was nice to see sunlight.

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