15| Deja Vu

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"Jimin,please call me more. The fact you are in enemy territory alone is already scary but you don't even call,all types of negative thoughts hog up in my mind" Taehyung said to Jimin who he was on call with.

He heard a light chuckle from Jimin. Walking towards his apartment building as he is coming back from "work". He got inside the elevator and pressed the button to his floor.

"I am sorry tae. We didn't leave off on a good note last time so I thought you were mad and also these people work a lot.There's so much shit I found but nothing too good. I have been informing Hoseok hyung all about it" Jimin answered.

"You know I can never be mad at you. That's good,you are doing great if they are trusting you this much already. Hobi hyung told me about that,that's why I was kinda pissed you didn't call me first but I get it" Taehyung said to him as he was now standing in front of his home. He unlocked it with the key card and went inside.

"You know work comes first before even our lives. Enough about that,Guess what"


"Yoongi Hyung works here too" That shocked Taehyung as he froze in his footsteps.

"Are you serious? Yoongi hyung? Hobi's boyfriend Yoongi??? the innocent i-work-at-the-vet yoongi??" Taehyung exclaimed. Sitting down on the couch to swallow this information.

"Yes that Yoongi Hyung. Our first interaction was very weird" 

"Ofcourse it was,considering the fact we have never even told him we are all part of this shit. All that because we didn't want him to be involved but he is already in this shit. Did Hyung know this?" 

"I don't think he does. I didn't tell him this yet because I don't know if it is my place to tell. Well he specifically told me not to tell Hoseok" Jimin told him. Taehyung scoffed.

"As much as I want them to talk I think we should tell Hoseok hyung he should know in case he told something to Yoongi about his profession and the fact Yoongi is a part of that dickhead's gang is already bad enough!!"

"I know I had to play it well because he doesn't know that I'm a spy and asked him how he ended up here and he told me he has been a part of this for the last 6 years. That's before he and hyung even dated. I made up some excuse about how I left my job at 'coffee shop' because it wasn't paying enough and joined this. Surprisingly he believed me" Jimin explained to him. Taehyung hummed in response.

"You should keep an extra eye on Yoongi. Something is not sitting right with me about him. What else?" 

"Oh yeah,I have checked the whole base there's literally nothing fucking important here. The whole gang lives here and they have these meetings everyday to discuss their future plans and daily tasks. All the files are locked up in the boss's office and there's no sign of any drugs or any type of 'slaves' here. We thought he would be like his brother but I think he is worse." 

"Why do you think that?"

"Every morning around 10am he goes somewhere. Not to his house where his family is living but somewhere else in the North part of Seoul,near the forest. I was going to follow him but it has been hard sneaking out so you should follow him. I'll put on the tracker and share the tracker's location with you,are you in?" 

"Hell yeah,Just tell me when you want to do it and I'll be ready. this is more important than anything-" Taehyung stopped when he heard the door click and looked to his right to see Jeongguk coming out of his room...and a guy next to him. He looked like one of the guys he saw at the bar. He raised his eyebrow at the dude.

"Jimin,I'll call you later,I need to hang up"  He quickly hung up the phone when he saw the two boys noticed his presence.  He put the phone on the table as his eyes fell upon the guy.

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