39| Jealousy Jealousy

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He felt a sense of deja vu in this room. The same white depressing walls,no windows indicating he is somewhere underground. The same hospital bed from the time he was here before,when he got injured because of what happened with sungjae. Though there is one difference though,instead of being alone here he got Taehyung sleeping with him.

When they entered the medical department of base,Taehyung refused to go far away from Jeongguk,his glares and death grip on Jeongguk's wrist was proof enough and he is the boss of this whole place so no one dared to say otherwise. Jeongguk convinced him to just get checked up first and then he can come back to him,thankfully he didn't argue and listened to Jeongguk.

In the middle of the younger man's operation,Taehyung barged into the room and He sat in the chair as they put stitches into Jeongguk's head after disinfecting it and giving him painkillers to subside the pain. Jeongguk felt his gaze on him all this time and he is pretty sure him sitting there during the whole procedure even made the doctor and nurse nervous as he could feel the doctor's hand shaking a bit when he stitched his head up.

The soft hearted man that cried in his arms a few hours ago suddenly turned back to this leader of the mafia around his subordinates. The change was quite scary. Even though he was staring at him,the younger boy knew there was something else going inside his mind. Maybe the thought of his strange personality changes? The trauma of killing two people...he has killed more so maybe not that. The guilt of involving Jeongguk in this? He hopes that's not it because Jeongguk himself indulged in his business.

The second they left the room,Taehyung immediately came over to Jeongguk,looking at his head which had a bandage around it now. Moving it around to see if there's anything wrong. "Does it hurt anywhere?" he asked,very concerned. Jeongguk grabbed his hand and rubbed his palm. "No,you guys got some good doctors here because i don't feel a thing right now"

"Are you sure? Maybe i should ask her to come back and check you once again"

"No,hyung, I swear I am completely fine, it doesn't even hurt anymore"


"-shh! Just lay down with me,that's all I need right now" He grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bed with me. He won't lie, the bed was quite comfortable. He can sleep here so easily or maybe he was just dead tired.

Taehyung laid next to Jeongguk,pulling the younger one closer to him."Are you okay though?"

"mhm,The doctor gave me some pills that made me throw up and now I am as sober as a judge. Didn't have any injuries,Just...feel dirty" Taehyung confessed to what he was going through. Jeongguk's eyes softened when he looked at the boy.

"I know,it must have been so hard for you to go through all that and being so defenseless,I am sorry I couldn't help much. I would have never let them touch you" He kissed Taehyung's forehead,laying back down.

"It's alright,I owe you my life either way because my mind was all over the place and if you hadn't come I wouldn't have even made it Alive so thank you"

"Don't thank me for that. I would do it again in a heartbeat if I have to" Jeongguk told him,Taehyung's face fell.

"But you shouldn't. You got heavily injured tonight Jeongguk, the way you screamed when your head hit the door...I have never heard a scream so fucking painful and since it was you I fucking lost myself. I can't have you going through all that again" Taehyung told him.

"So you wanted me to just sit and wait for your friends to save you??? I am sorry Taehyung but I can't do that when I know my boyfriend's life is in danger. It's just- do we really have to talk about this right now I'm tired"

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