Right as my lips are about to touch hers, Mika whispers, "Promise me you won't kiss me without my permission."

My pulse is all over the place, but I step back. "I promise."

While I am recovering in the corner, Mika finishes packing up the supplies and wears her poker face stronger than ever. She seals the container shut and beelines to the balcony, relaxing her arms on the metal bars. The stars twinkle above her, illuminating the gleaming hues over her body. An angel, literally. But out of all the stars, she shone the fucking brightest.

A sudden urge to sing invades my body like a body-snatcher as I dance my way to the balcony. I haven't had the pleasure of showcasing my vocals to my girlfriend. It's honestly a crime. A girl should be serenade at least once in their life.

"Lo que siento por ti. Es ternura y pasion," I sing lowly, taking down the pitch to make it a slow song and suffocate Mika with a hug. "Tu me has hecho sentir. Que hay en mi corazon. Tanto amor. Tanto amor."

Mika explodes into full-blown laughter all the way from her stomach. "Please tell me you're not singing, Nina Bonita! I beg you to stop."

I untangle myself from around her waist, reaching for her hands, and sway to the tempo of my singing. "Yo naci para ti. Y tu tambien para mi. Y ahora se que morir. Es tratar de vivir sin tu amor. Sin tu amor."

The vibrant moonlight shines on Mika's skin, highlighting the light pink hue on her cheeks as she throws her head back, laughing. "You cannot be serious! I can't take you seriously when you're singing it like a slow song."

My smile deepens, and intensifies as I twirl her in a circle, Mika grinning as she goes along with it. "Mi nina bonita, mi dulce princesa. Me siento en las nubes cuando tu me besas. Y siento que vuelo mas alto que el cielo. Si tengo de cerca el olor de tu pelo."

The song might've been an odd choice, especially the way I am performing it, but our moves mesh together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Warmth runs to my ears as I focus on Mika's entangled arms around my neck, her irises radiating with bliss. My arms respectfully stay on her waist as Mika clings closer, laying her chin on my shoulder as our fingertips intertwine flirtatiously.

"Mi nina bonita, brillante lucero. Te queda pequena la frase te quiero." Mika's arms tighten around my neck, softly giggling as I whisper, sing into her ear. "Por eso mi labios te dicen te amo. Cuando estamos juntos mas nos enamoramos."

My eyes widen as Mika joins in, rapping her verse horribly. "Un amor de fantasia lleno de romance y alegria. De bello detalle cada dia. Nena, quien lo diri-." I cut her off, surprising her by thrusting her in the air and catching her before she falls. My hands cradling her back as her arms firmly hold on to my shoulders with widened, entertained eyes.

"You missed a whole verse!" I tease, shifting her onto her feet.

Mika playfully smacks my chest. "Oh, I'm getting condemned for joining in the fun. The song is over ten years old. Can you blame me?"

"Princesa, I'm teasing," I laugh, my cheeks hurting from the huge grin I'm sporting. "I think rapping might be my new favorite thing about you."

Her eyebrows curve in a cheeky state. "Oh? What other attributes are your favorite? My ass and tits?"

My arms lean on the railing, cornering her in as I lower my neck to fit her height. "While those are equally beautiful. They aren't even close to my top ten favorite things about you. For one, I like the way your eye crinkles when you laugh at my stupidity."

Mika bobs her head. "You're pretty entertaining. More than I like to admit."

I coil her hair around my fingertips. "Or the way you enter a room, demanding attention. The way you somehow made strawberries my favorite fruit. Or how you don't let anyone dictate your life. I could imagine how hard it is to be taken seriously as a woman so confident in her sexuality."

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