28. Correcting the mistakes

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❝She is not even asking you to go above and beyond

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❝She is not even asking you to go above and beyond. She just wants you to at least match her efforts.❞


          SHE rested her head back on his chest and watched the blue ocean in the front. The wind kept playing fast past them. She took a deep breath and let it out. "It's beautiful... Why do you always choose oceans?" She asked as she watched up at him.

He shrugged while keeping his eyes ahead at the sea. "I like them for some reasons unknown to me," He muttered and watched her down.

She smiled before raising a bit and pecked his cheek. He smiled gently while rubbing her cheek with his thumb. "Now when I think about it... You didn't tell your preference," He asked.

She shrugged. "I don't have preference when it comes to traveling... I just love to wander and explore places. Sea, mountains or everything else is beautiful," She said.

He nodded. "We will go to your choice the next time," He said. She chuckled while adjusting her head on his chest and looked ahead.

"Okay," She said and closed her eyes briefly. His stare stayed the same on her. She opened her eyes and watched him again with a questioning face.

"I know everything happened in a hurry, Taara... But it's fine, right?" He asked. She smiled while moving forward and turned to face him.

"Yes, it is. I am happy... Others know each other well and get married. We got married with least we knew about each other... So we can know now..."

"It will be fun this way. Days won't be boring, right?" She asked. He laughed and nodded while moving her hair to the side and holding them.

"I hope so... But what if you discover negative stuff you can't deal with?" He asked and contained his smile while watching her face.

"Then we will separate," She said with a glare. He crooked his eyebrows.

"Damn girl... We got married just a couple of weeks back," He said in frustration. She held her smile back.

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